BC girl Amanda Todd victim of ‘persistent campaign’ of ‘sextortion’: Crown

Aydin Coban pleaded not guilty Monday at the start of his trial

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A “sextortionist” tried for two years to try to force Port Coquitlam’s Amanda Todd into creating sex videos, starting when she was 12, the opening day of his trial in a BC court heard on Monday.

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“The sextortionist extorts another person and extorts them into performing sexual acts,” lead Crown prosecutor Louise Kenworthy said in her opening statement at the trial of Aydin Coban of the Netherlands.

Coban, who is facing charges of extorting, harassing and sexually luring, tried to get Todd to record a series of sex tapes in exchange for not following through on his threats to send online images of her baring her breasts to family, friends, and schoolmates. teachers, Kenworthy said.

The cyberbullying case, which attracted international attention after Amanda posted a silent plea for help in the form of hand-printed cue cards before killing herself at age 15, opened in BC Supreme Court in New Westminster with the accused pleading “not guilty” to all five charges.

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Coban, who is in his early 40s, with his gray collar-length hair gelled straight and wearing a dark blue dress shirt with no jacket or tie, sat at one end of the long prisoner dock, protected on three sides with thick plexiglass walls, staring straight ahead as Kenworthy made her opening statement to the jury.

Coban is also charged with communicating with a person under 18 to perform a sexual act, criminal harassment, possession of child pornography and possession of child pornography for distribution or sale.

Kenworthy said the Crown will show evidence someone used 22 aliases to “sextort” Amanda Todd over four periods of time between late 2009 and early 2012.

In one message sent to the girl in December of 2010, he threatened to forward links to 52 of her schoolmates of a video she had posted of her exposing her breasts, if she didn’t comply with a demand to send him a sexually explicit video , Kenworthy alleged.

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“You got that, b——?” the message said. “After 10 shows, you do what I say and I’ll disappear.”

The first threat, with a link to the video showing her baring her breasts, came on Nov. 9, 2009, when Amanda was 12, about to turn 13. It demanded she send him sexual video on Skype “or I will send this to all the Todd family.”

That was followed on Dec. 4 by a different alias that said, “Last chance or I start sending this” to her friends, family and the newspapers.

The links were then sent on Dec. 23, 2010, to classmates, family members and teachers. It included the words “LOL,” a claim that the video showed Amanda showing her chest de ella to hundreds of guys, and “ha ha ha, what as—,” court heard.

Carol Todd holds a photo of her daughter Amanda Todd, the 15-year-old who committed suicide in October 2012 after being bullied, at Settlers Park in Port Coquitlam on Aug. 18, 2020.
Carol Todd holds a photo of her daughter Amanda Todd, the 15-year-old who committed suicide in October 2012 after being bullied, at Settlers Park in Port Coquitlam on Aug. 18, 2020. Photo by Mike Bell /PNG

Amanda’s mother, Carol Todd, was the Crown’s first witness and testified she clicked on a Facebook message on that day that showed her daughter with bared breasts on an online adult porn site.

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“I think my heart skipped a beat,” said Todd. It was 2 am and Amanda was staying at her father’s de ella so she did n’t call police and decided to wait until after Christmas to report it.

Hours later, an RCMP officer showed up to do a safety check on Amanda because police had received a report of the online posts. But that night, she was staying at her father’s.

Coban also sent emails to people with the last name Todd, posing as “Alice McAllister,” from an online child protection agency, saying she had images of Amanda “showing herself naked in front of 100s of guys,” Kenworthy said.

When Amanda changed schools to Westview secondary in early 2011, he named the school and told her to pick “door No. 1. … Yes, I will do what you say, or door No. 2, please f— up my life at Westview , too,” court heard.

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Kenworthy said Crown would show evidence — gathered through examination of computers and hard drives seized by Dutch investigators at Coban’s residence in the Netherlands — that messages sent to Amanda by the 22 aliases were sent by one person and that person was Coban.

Coban’s trial is expected to run for 35 days. He was extradited from the Netherlands in late 2020 and remained in custody while COVID delayed the trial start from January 2021.

A video Amanda posted on Sept. 7, 2012, to YouTube called “My Story: Struggling, bullying, suicide and self-harm,” showed her hiding behind flash cards to tell of her experiences of being enticed into flashing to an online group. She talked of being ostracized by classmates when the images were posted to Facebook and later of being bullied and beaten.

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Amanda, 15, hung herself in her Port Coquitlam home about a month later on Oct. 10, 2012, after posting her video which ended with, “I have nobody. I need someone.” The video has been viewed by millions.

RCMP announced charges against Coban in April 2017.

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