Bárbara Rey pronounces on her alleged blackmail of King Juan Carlos

Barbara Rey is back in the spotlight after his name has come to the fore in the book of Juan Fernández-Miranda and Javier Chicote, ‘The chief of the spies’, which brings to light the secret archive of Emiliano A. Manglano, former counselor to King Juan Carlos, former director of the CSID, and who faced the alleged blackmail of the star of the emeritus with some videos, for which he would have pocketed an amount close to 4 million euros.

The book reveals a conversation between the monarch and his former counselor, in which the monarch would tell how he agreed to the alleged blackmail of Barbara so that photos of the two in an intimate attitude were not published. Thus, in 1994 the artist was paid a whopping 25 million pesetas in exchange for her silence.

However, that was not all, because according to what they discovered in ‘The chief of the spies’ some time later – and with José María Aznar in the government – the vedette would have once again blackmailed Don Juan Carlos with unpublished material recorded at his home ( specifically in her bedroom) that would leave no room for doubt, and for which Barbara would have received 100 million pesetas upfront and 50 million a year, in monthly portions, for 10 years, paid by CESID.

The reaction

In total, 3.6 million euros that the former Angel christ he would have received in exchange for his silence. A subject that has never been discussed so openly as in this book that puts Barbara at the center of the controversy.

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The vedette’s reaction to this information? A loud laugh, which she has not been able to contain when asked about the subject: “Please, I do not think”, has answered Barbara about the statements made in the work.

Rey charges inks against those who maintain that this information is true and that he pocketed almost 4 million euros for his silence. “Why don’t you go talk to these people who know so much * you are asking me things that I don’t know. I give you some advice, these people who know so much, who say so much and each one says one thing, go talk with them that they are the ones who can inform you that they know everything. They are a very prepared and very cultured people, “he pointed out without specifying who he is referring to with these words.


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