Bankers and CDMX government sign agreement to promote financial inclusion in MSMEs

Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) of Mexico City will have training in financial inclusion and could have access to bank financing.

The above, after the Association of Banks of Mexico (ABM) and the Ministry of Economic Development (Sedeco) They will sign an agreement that will allow the implementation of actions with said objective.

According to the ABM, this agreement will benefit MSMEs with online training through webinars on digital payment methods such as CoDi, and the use of point-of-sale terminals (POS), among other useful tools that facilitate collection, they boost sales, provide greater security and serve to give elements to the bank for a possible credit offer.

The agreement also contemplates access to financing fairs, in which deposit and credit products will be announced, the importance of a good credit history and how to obtain the special report from credit information companies.

In addition, access to valuable information will be given to Mipymes through the portal

During the signing of the agreement, the president of the ABM, Daniel Becker Feldman, reaffirmed the bank’s commitment to MSMEs, given that this segment of companies has been the most affected by the pandemic.

Accompanied by the head of Sedeco, Fadlala Akabani, the president of the ABM explained that as of the third quarter of 2021, the sector’s portfolio shows signs of recovery and highlighted the strategic support of development banks, especially Nacional Financiera ( Nafin), through the Impulso Nafin+Estados program, which at the end of last February had a spill of 2,951 million pesos in Mexico City.

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