Auto assembly fell 6.6% during April 2022; Mazda recorded the sharpest contraction

The Automotive industry faces a panorama of chiaroscuros in its post-pandemic recovery stage. During the first months of 2022, production and exports have registered a low dynamism.

During April 2022, the production Total number of cars amounted to 251,547 units, which represented a drop of 6.6% compared to the same month of the previous year, according to figures from the AMIA (Mexican Association of the Automotive Industry) reported by the Inegi.

In the breakdown by firm, it was noted that Mazda faced the steepest contraction in total assembled cars, with a level 49.9% lower than that of April 2021.

Other automakers that faced drops in their production levels were General Motors, Mercedes Benz, Nissan, BMW Group and Volkswagen.

Exports, with modest advance

On the other hand, the level of car exports it did register an advance during this fourth month of 2022. In April, 241,286 light vehicles were sent abroad, an increase of 2.9% compared to the year-on-year comparison.

Despite the progress registered during this period, if the general behavior of automotive exports is analyzed so far in 2022, a significant drop is observed compared to the level of shipments abroad that were made last year in these same months.

The automotive industry has been one of the most affected by external factors such as the scarcity of raw materials, turbulence in global supply chains and trade conflicts caused by the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

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