Article, RNC Tweet distorts Biden’s comments on teachers –

quick take

During an event honoring teachers, President Joe Biden said that students “are not someone else’s children; they are like yours when they are in the classroom.” Biden’s words were twisted in it National Reviewwho incorrectly claimed that Biden said children “do not belong to parents” when they are in the classroom.

Full story

In recent months, there has been controversy over parents seeking more control over classroom curricula and the role teachers should play in educating students on topics such as critical theory of race, sexuality, and gender. gender identity.

At an event organized by the White House on April 27 in honor the National and State Teachers of the Year 2022, President Joe Biden spoke about the dedication of teachers to their students.

“America’s teachers have dedicated their lives to teaching our children and encouraging them,” Biden said. “We have to stop making them the target of culture wars. That’s where this is going.”

But in its coverage of the event, the conservative publication National Review misrepresented Biden’s comments.

The inaccurate headline it said, “Biden claims school-age children don’t belong to parents ‘when they’re in the classroom.'” The owner has been repeatedly shared for conservative groups Y Non-profit organizations on Facebook.

The article goes on to falsely state: “At the 2022 Teacher of the Year ceremony hosted by the White House on Wednesday, President Biden asserted that school-age children do not belong in parents ‘when they are in the classroom’”.

But Biden He never said that children “do not belong to the parents.”

Biden’s words at the Teacher of the Year event were also misquoted in a cheep of the Republican National Committee.

“Biden to teachers: ‘You are not someone else’s child. They are yours when you are in the classroom,’” the RNC tweet said, which left out a word of the Biden quote, thus changing its meaning.

what he really said on the role of teachers in guiding children is (emphasis added), “They are not someone else’s children; are I like it yours when they are in the classroom.”

Are here Biden’s comments on the role of teachers in the event on April 27:

Biden, April 27: Because you know, look, these are not, we always talk about “these children”. They are not someone else’s children. They are our children. And they are the kite strings that literally lift our national ambitions in a literal sense. Think about it.

If you had to do something to make sure the nation succeeds in the next two generations, what would you do? You would like to, I would say literally, have the best educated public in the world. That our students gain enough confidence to know what they can do, to get there. We have an obligation. We have an obligation to help them teach and reach their potential.

You have heard me say it many times about our children, but it is true: They are all our children.

And the reason they’re Teachers of the Year is because they recognize it. They are not someone else’s children; they are just like yours when they are in the classroom. You represent a profession that helps them gain confidence, a confidence that they believe they can do anything.

Two days later, the president issued a proclamation declaring May 3 as National Teacher Appreciation Day and the first week of May as National Teacher Appreciation Week. In his proclamation, Biden described teachers as “selfless, dedicated and caring individuals who are dedicated to the well-being and progress of our students.”

Editor’s note: is one of several organizations working with facebook to debunk misinformation shared on social media. Our previous stories can be found here. facebook has out of control about our editorial content.


Downey, Caroline. Biden claims that school-age children do not belong to parents ‘when they are in the classroom’.‘” National Magazine. April 27, 2022.

Farley, Robert. “Judge Jackson and Critical Race Theory”. March 24, 2022.

Jones, Brea. “The posts spread unsubstantiated claims about the financial health of the Disney Company.” April 15, 2022.

White House. “President’s Words Biden at the 2022 National and State Teachers of the Year Event.April 27, 2022.

RNC Research (@RNCResearch). Biden to teachers: ‘They are not someone else’s children. They are yours when you are in the classroom..’”Twitter. April 27, 2022.

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