Aragonès insists that Catalonia must lead the 2030 Olympic bid

Follow the Olympic match. After the failed meeting with the president of Aragon and a week after meeting with the president of the COE, Pere Aragones has advocated for Catalonia to “lead” a “strong” candidacy to the 2030 Winter Olympics. The ‘president’ has explained in Parliament that his roadmap is based on the fact that most of the tests are held in Catalan territory, although he has been open to “the participation of other territories”.

“I will always defend, as president of Catalonia, that Catalonia has all the characteristics for most tests to be held”, he answered the question that the leader of the PSC, Salvador Illa, about whether he is in favor of a joint candidacy with Aragón for that Olympic event. “Does Catalonia have to do these Games alone? No,” she added. “From the first moment we have been open to the possibility that it could be with the participation of other territories, always taking into account not only the trajectory of this candidacy, which does not start now, but also who can host tests from the technical point of view. When we talk about leadership , it is this”.

Illa has replied that Catalonia “cannot let go” of the possibility of holding the Games, which is why it has given her “all the support” of the socialist group to “work together and make possible” the celebration of the Games. “Let’s not lose sight of the fact that doing it with Aragón adds up and helps. I’m glad that you see it the same way”, she commented constructively.

He has found less complicity in the ‘comuns’ and the CUP. From the anti-capitalist ranks, Basha Changue has criticized the ‘president’ for advocating a “green and feminist revolution” and instead betting on “macro-projects such as the expansion of the airport, the Games, the Hard Rock or Formula One”. In the same sense have been the words of Jéssica Albiach, who has branded the Aragonès presidency as “disoriented”. The parliamentary leader of the ‘comuns’ has assessed that the “macroproject” of the Games, in “the line of the extension of the El Prat airport”, “was born unsuccessful”.

Aragonès, as he did last week against Alejandro Blanco, president of the COEhas once again raised the Catalan commitment to “sustainable Games” and with the “consensus support of the citizenry”.

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