Approved the new Sports law that eliminates the 15% guarantee to access the presidency of Barça

The Minister of Culture and Sports, Miquel Iceta, stressed that the new Sports Law it updates the regulations in force since 1990 and “tries to give legal certainty to sports practice”, with “equality” and “non-exclusion” as the main axes.

After its approval this Friday in the Minister councilIceta spoke of the need for a new law after 31 years, in which “there has been a very important change in sport in our country, much more developed and much more professionalized.”

Iceta spoke of the disappearance of the obligation for the clubs are sports corporations to participate in professional competitions and the bank guarantee of 15% of the spending budget. A measure that affects FC Barcelona, ​​Madrid, Athletic and Osasuna.

“The guarantees remain in the hands of the clubs and they are the ones who will decide how best to guarantee their interests. Each one will decide their solvency and good economic performance,” he said after indicating that with this measure the line of the PNV and the approach of the Amorebieta club.

The decision of the Council of Ministers is a relief for the presidency of Joan Laporta, since as of January 1 of next year you will no longer need to continue guaranteeing 125 million as before. It remains to be known when the percentage with which it will have to endorse will be decided.

Violation of rights

“The Government tries to give legal certainty to sports practice, starting by recognizing the right to physical activity and sport and that the public powers guarantee free practice without discrimination and in safe conditions,” he said.

Iceta stressed that “one of the axes is equality, non-discrimination” of the LGTBI group and people with disabilities and that the text tries “to collect the diversity of sports practice and also the different types of athletes.”

The promotion of women’s sports practice and “protecting them from the attempts of some to violate their rights” are other objectives of the law, which includes an obligation for federations and leagues to present equality reports, ensure their presence in all the agencies and that they have protocols on the prevention of sexual abuse and harassment.

Inclusion pathway

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The text wants to “promote Spanish sport on the path of inclusion”, with the union of sports modalities in a single federation when the international one has done so, to reduce the double structure, and addresses aspects such as volunteering, university and school sports , in addition to sustainability.

Iceta pointed out that a lot of work had already been done for the drafting of the law, with the text approved by the Government in February 2019 during José Guirao’s stage in the ministry that was not processed, and that has fallen to the CSD with contributions from the ministries, 16, the autonomous communities, the federations and those who have acted in the public hearing process.

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