Amherstburg thrust into digital age

It is considered the fastest technology on the planet and fiber optics is now in the Town of Amherstburg thanks to a partnership with Bell, the parent company of CTV Windsor.

“Business people, real estate, economic development. This is the kinda thing that will draw people to Amherstburg,” said Mayor Aldo DiCarlo.

The Amherstburg digital expansion affects eight thousand homes and businesses and is part of a $1.7-billion capital expenditure announced two years ago to help in Canada’s recovery from the pandemic.

Amherstburg residents like Marty Kerrester are thrilled fiber is available at his home in the outskirts of the town. “They came out. They ran a line from the pole to the house. Absolutely night and day.”

Fiber is now available throughout the entire area: urban, rural, commercial, residential and even on Boblo Island.

“We do a lot of streaming with some of the streaming services. The movies don’t cut out which is a bonus,” said Amherstburg resident Julie Wingerden.

The fiber update means Dan Gemus can now host his real estate show from home instead of at the AM800 studios. “I’d be driving to the station in Windsor and hour or two earlier and so it’s a three or four hour window that I’m saving every Saturday and Sunday.”

Gemus adds having high speed internet is a deal breaker in some cases for residents looking to move to the area.

“Our internet speeds continue to evolve. Part of our future proofing, I’ll say, with fiber is that you’re not limited for future growth so I would expect to continue to enhance,” said Darrin Meek, Bell senior manager, network provisioning.

Officials say talks are on-going to bring fiber to other municipalities in the region.

“On a regional level I would like to see all of us connected,” said DiCarlo.

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