Almeida’s team stands out from Genoa in the crisis with Ayuso: “That war is suicide”

The last part of the war that looms over the PP in Madrid, and which has led to an increasingly less concealed confrontation between the national leadership of the party and Isabel Diaz Ayuso, accounts for a very relevant movement in it.

José Luis Martínez-Almeida stands out from the Genoa offensive against the Madrid president, which reached its peak this Monday, when the number two of the popular, Teodoro Garcia Egea, closed the door to advance the party congress in the Community of Madrid, as requested by Ayuso.

Sources from around the mayor of Madrid consulted by EL ESPAÑOL assure that now open a war against the regional president it is something “totally suicidal”.

Even more so taking into account, they argue, that for the Madrid conclave – which like all those of single-province communities must be held in the first half of 2022 – there are several months left, which could be up to nine if that time bracket is stretched to the end. A political ‘pregnancy’ which, with the degree of tension already reached, could become very long and difficult until next spring.

His people insist that the mayor is not involved in this, but “totally focused on the City Council and municipal management” and that also “match fights are not his thing”. “José Luis is bored by these things, he has never had an organic position” they specify.

At the moment, and in public, Almeida does not rule out presenting himself or promoting a third way. The latter was what he tried to do with little success almost twenty years ago. Alberto Ruiz Gallardón, when he sponsored the candidacy of the one who was his number two, Manuel Cobo, against Hope Aguirre, at a time when Mariano Rajoy, like now Pablo Casado, was in the opposition.

The lists

But it is that not even out of an eagerness to take care of his plot, the municipal one, it would make sense for the Madrid councilor to get into that battle, given that as his closest lists for municipal elections recall, according to the statutes of the PP, they are prepared by the party’s national leadership.

In other words, and translated politically: if Ayuso ends up being, as she intends, the regional president of the party, will not have the power to draw up the list with which Almeida will seek his re-election in the 2023 elections.

García Egea, Ayuso and Almeida, in an act last week.

García Egea, Ayuso and Almeida, in an act last week.


Facing that appointment with the polls in two years’ time, the mayor believes that the electoral ticket he forms with the president, the same one that Casado opted for in 2019 against all odds, continues to be unbeatable. “It is the best tandem that the PP can have”, concludes one of these sources.

In addition, in Almeida’s environment they say they do not understand the “mess” in which the formation has gotten when the 4-M elections consolidated Ayuso with an overwhelming victory, and when the national polls smile more and more at the first opposition party, placing the presidency of the Government for Casado as an achievable goal in the next general elections.

Almeida continues to define himself as Ayuso’s “friend”, even though their trajectories are very different. She comes from the world of journalism and from very early on she worked as a member of New Generations, where her friendship with Casado was forged. Almeida is a State attorney who, hand in hand with Hope Aguirre He first reached a high position in the Community of Madrid, that of General Director of Historical Heritage, and then he enlisted with her in his failed assault on the mayor of Madrid as number three of the PP in the municipal elections of 2015, which led to Manuela Carmena to the mayor’s office.

It was in that legislature in the opposition where he began to make himself known and when, after ending his political career Aguirre in 2017, he became the municipal leader of the PP, the ideal springboard for Casado to appoint him candidate for mayor two years later.

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