Alberta Opposition NDP fundraising continues to outpace UCP government

The UCP more than doubled its first quarter bill by raising more than $ 1.24 million in the third quarter, while the NDP raised $ 1.37 million.

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Despite an increase in donations to the Conservatives United, the New Alberta Opposition Democrats continue to outperform the ruling party, according to figures released by Elections Alberta on Monday.


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The UCP more than doubled its first quarter bill by raising more than $ 1.24 million in the third quarter, while the NDP raised $ 1.37 million. The NDP has raised more funds than the UCP in every quarter since the end of 2020. To The first nine months of this year, the NDP generated just over $ 4 million compared to the UCP total of approximately $ 2.6 million.

In a statement Monday, UCP communications director Dave Prisco pointed to the government’s financial management when asked how the party boosted its donations.

“Our fundraising is growing because Albertans are seeing a recovering economy under (Prime Minister) Jason Kenney and an opposition NDP reaching out to radical activists who want to get our oil and gas out to sea.” he said in an email.


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NDP leader Rachel Notley told an unrelated press conference that this was the best third quarter the party has ever seen, with more than 2,000 new donors and more than 30,000 individual donors to her party.

“We are encouraged … we will continue to listen to Albertans who continue to talk about the things we know matter to them: job creation, economic diversification, and of course protecting, improving and growing our healthcare and education. “. she said.

Notley said he was not concerned about the increase in donations from UCP, and said the party has a very rich pool of donors.

Although the NDP raised more cash, it relies on more small donations than the UCP. 83% of UCP contributions in the third quarter exceeded $ 250. By comparison, 61 percent of NDPs were above that threshold.


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“We know that, unfortunately, they were prepared to raise funds because they would not support vaccine passports, so they raise funds through a very select part, but a very small part, of the population,” Notley said, adding that this year’s NDP third quarter donations were $ 1 million higher than they were at the same time in 2019.

In a statement, NDP spokesman Brandon Stevens also noted the UCP’s summer fundraising tactics and the lifting of public health restrictions in July ahead of the fourth wave of COVID-19, saying that “the UCP is not learning from its mistakes and Albertans are fed up. “

Meanwhile, the Alberta Party, Alberta Liberal Party, and Wildrose Independence Party were raised by the Pro-Life Association, which has raised nearly $ 217,000 so far this year.

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