AIFA advances attributed to the use of the BIM methodology

The “great advances” that can be seen at the Felipe Ángeles International Airport (AIFA), which as of November 29 had an advance of 82.9%, are a sample of the benefits of using the information modeling methodology for construction (BIM, for its acronym in English), the same one that was used in the canceled Texcoco terminal, Ximena Rico considered.

In an interview, the coordinator of the BIM Task Group Mexico, an initiative of the private sector, academia and governments to promote its use, said that the most important value of the methodology is the adequate articulation between all related actors generating benefits, such as cost control. , which is why he suggested it be applied in the Mayan Train project.

“Data from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), refer that the governments of the world that already use BIM have seen a cost reduction of 33%, 50% in delivery times and productivity increased 20%, therefore that its use should not be doubted ”, he added.

With the BIM methodology it is possible to consolidate all the information of a work (materials, delivery times, responsible for activities and quality verifications, among others) to build virtually before building in reality, with the benefits of: precision, control of management and immediate access to information.

In addition, impacts are generated on issues of transparency and efficiency in the management of budgets.

In Mexico, in September 2018 officials from the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP) presented the first strategy for the use of BIM in infrastructure projects of the Public Administration with the name in Spanish, construction information modeling ( MIC).

Consequently, and to support the initiative, the work group coordinated by Ximena Rico was formed, which among its members includes: Autodesk (where she is responsible for Government Affairs), Cemex, IUYET Consortium (which participated in supervision and engineering of the Mexico-Toluca train), the Gerdau Corsa company, GMI Group, UNAM, IPN, the Mexican Chamber of the Construction Industry and offices of Hidalgo and Nuevo León, among others).

2022, the year of BIM

One of the achievements in the last three years for the group is that last year the Chamber of Deputies approved some reforms to the Law on Public Works and Related Services, which include Article 10 Bis, where it refers that the heads of the agencies and entities will promote the adoption of criteria that encourage the incorporation of best international practices and technological advances for planning, bidding, contracting, execution, supervision and monitoring of public works.

The modifications are now in the analysis stage in the Senate of the Republic, where the BIM working group is providing information to legislators. It is expected that the following year can be fully approved.

“Many people say: what does BIM have to do with me and I answer: a lot, infrastructure generates quality of life and is paid for with taxes. Bad experiences like a bridge that took too long and cost too much can be avoided. Next year we are also going to publish a user manual with the experience adapted from what is happening in the United Kingdom, ”said Rico.

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