Aeromar is going for a loan of 75 million dollars from Bancomext and will focus on the AIFA

Zvi Katz, the owner of Aeromar, agreed to carry out operations to and from the Felipe Ángeles International Airport (AIFA) based on a regional connectivity plan in accordance with the National Development Plan of the federal government within the framework of the construction project of the Refinery of Dos Bocas, the development of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec and the connection with the Huasteca Potosina, advanced the Secretary General of the Union Association of Pilots Aviators (ASPA), José Humberto Gual Ángeles.

The ASPA leader announced that they held a meeting with the owner of Aeromar, after three decades of not having contact with him, who told them that the National Development Plan of the current federal administration is very compatible with Aeromar. “This project connects these three new development poles, under a sustainable model of air transfers that will give productivity, which will reduce contact times, travel times,” he explained.

At the same time, the leader of the pilots declared that the next step is to obtain a loan with Bancomext of 75 million dollars, a process that had started before the pandemic, and now they are taking it up again, but with a new business plan focused on AIFA. Humberto Gual was pleased that the government’s will, the employer’s will and the will of the workers have come together.

“The only thing that remains is for Bancomext to give us the endorsement to be able to start this development and from there we will start, in about five years it will not be the Aeromar we know today but a completely different airline focused on tourism and a social and sustainable economy ”Said Gual in an interview with A21.

A few weeks ago, the Federal Executive declared that Aeromar will be able to restructure its debts with its creditors, as long as the company’s workers are integrated as partners and that the Government would be willing to support the workers by establishing a payment schedule for debt to avoid company closure.

Since then, ASPA has ensured that Aeromar is the only airline in Mexico that can provide connectivity to the Mexican southeast, for which they proposed to the head of the executive to strengthen the airline instead of creating a new one. The general secretary of the pilots has made it clear that they are not requesting the cancellation of any debt, but support to renegotiate with creditors in order to allow it to continue operating to maintain the source of work.

Recently, Juan Ignacio Rossello, commercial director of the airline, reported that Aeromar will undertake tests to offer charter flights dedicated exclusively to the transport of goods with a view to generating a new source of income.

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