A video shows how they chased and stabbed the young Moroccan dead in Sant Andreu

  • Soulayman’s family, stabbed to death by a mob at the main festival, demands justice and denies that he died in a gang fight

Meriem he asked his son Solayman that he did not leave the house that night. It was too cold, he told her. Soulayman must have looked at her as they usually do at 20, when there is no storm to dampen the will to live on a Saturday night. On November 27, late in the afternoon, Soulayman left the Santa Coloma de Gramenet apartment where he lived with his parents and four siblings. He bought a sandwich in a Moroccan bar, met with two friends and together they took the Metro to Sant Andreu de Palomar, a neighborhood in Barcelona dedicated to the celebration of its second major holiday.

The Plaza de Can Fabra, a concrete esplanade in front of the old textile factory, was almost at midnight a hive of teenagers making bottle. At that time, Meriem called Soulayman again. He begged her to come home, it was late, it was getting colder and colder. Soulayman shook her off by promising that he would be back soon. “Half an hour more & rdquor ;.

The family version

About one o’clock in the morning, for reasons that Mossos d’Esquadra Still investigating, Soulayman was involved in a fight. According to her cousin, who acts as a spokesperson for the family and asks that her anonymity be respected for fear of reprisals, what happened was that Soulayman intervened in the heated discussion that a Dominican couple had to prevent the man from assaulting the woman and that the situation got out of control – that impression also gives the beginning of the video published by that newspaper, when in some frame you can see the young man with black jacket and Texans trying to separate two entangled people. The discussion added more and more individuals until it became a massive fight that finally, as soon as the knives appeared, ended up facing Soulayman – unarmed – with a group of young people of Dominican origin who knife in hand went after him. There are more versions of how the hubbub started but on this last point there are fewer discrepancies.

And, in addition, there is a recording that shows Soulayman trying to save his life, even throwing himself into the Can Fabra fountain, in order to escape from a number of men who are chasing him and hitting and prodding him. It wasn’t a fair fight, they were many against one. He received several knives and some were fatal. He collapsed on a nearby bench minutes later and, despite the Medical Emergency System (SEM) They tried to revive him and even managed to transfer him alive to the hospital, he died around two in the morning.

Meriem heard the house bell shortly after. He thought it was Soulayman who was finally coming back. But it was someone who came to give him the news that he had died, stabbed at the Sant Andreu festival.

“Justice for Soulayman & rdquor;

This Saturday, December 11, AdelSoulayman’s father, has set foot on the Can Fabra square for the first time. You have seen where the discussion in which your son participated began, the source by which he tried to flee and the bank in which he fell asleep. He has gone over these points in silence. With her 2-year-old daughter, the youngest of the five siblings, riding on her shoulders. Nearby, two of Soulayman’s aunts, were wiping their eyes of tears and lamenting that there will be plenty of hands to take out the phone and record what happened and there would be no one willing to intervene to prevent it. His relatives have come to the scene to gather behind a banner calling for justice for Soulayman. They do not only demand that those who surrounded him be arrested and, using their numerical superiority and the use of knives, they killed him. They also want clarification that Soulayman was not killed in any gang fights because Soulayman did not belong to any gang.

The case remains under summary secrecy and the family spokesperson only explains that the Mossos investigators have reported that the suspects are of Dominican origin. According to Soulayman’s environment, the suspects post images on social networks emulating greetings from Latino gangs, which does not mean that they are necessarily part of an urban gang.


Soulayman’s cousin does not want her name to appear in this story because she believes that those who killed her relative could harm her. It is a widespread fear among the Moroccan community of the victim. This afternoon there were not more than a hundred people to honor him and none of them were with the unfortunate young man when he was assassinated. Despite the fact that there are dozens and dozens of witnesses to what happened, no one wants to speak, a stumbling block that slows down police investigations.

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Soulayman was 20 years old and had lived in Spain for more than 4 years. He did not have a job because he was an irregular migrant. “Without papers, he couldn’t get anyone to hire him & rdquor ;, explains his cousin, who insists on remarking below that that doesn’t mean he got into trouble. I spent the day studying Catalan and Spanish in free courses offered by the Santa Coloma de Gramenet City Council. And recently he traveled to Belgium where another relative lives to look for a job or a training course there. But again his sympathetic situation prevented him from leaving the legal limbo that had enveloped him since he left Tangier (Morocco) with 16 years.

Meriem, Soulayman’s mother, was the only one who did not come to the demonstration of mourning and condemnation for the death of her son. He did not come because he could not, he spends the day crying at home. The cold of the early morning of November 28 with which he tried to take away the idea of ​​him leaving home has not yet disappeared. He continues to press on the lack of attendance at the concentration this afternoon, on how elusive those who have information are and do not dare to tell it, on the news that hinted that Soulayman died in a fight between gangs, as if he were a gangster.


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