A man who suffered a heart attack: “I was crossing the Rovira tunnel and my chest hurt”

George He had been feeling bad for months. It happened to him that, after cross the Rovira tunnel on a motorcycle with an open helmet to go to work as a cook on the Rambla de Catalunya, I was beginning to chest pain and the trapeze went up. The same thing happened when a bus, in the street, it was placed in front of him. And, also, when some situation put it highly strung. Jordi, now 49 years old, would end up suffering a heart attack shortly after, on December 31, 2017. He was treated at the Vall d’Hebron Hospital in Barcelona.

“My cardiologist told me that, at the time it happened to me, there had been various cases of heart attacks and that coincided with a few days with more pollution “, relates this neighbor of the Carmel neighborhood. Jordi had other risk factors: He was a smoker and was overweight. Pollution could have contributed as trigger factor of the heart attack. It is very difficult, if not impossible, to affirm that this was the only determining causal factor, but the doctors did not hesitate to consider Casas a patient with air pollution.

Air pollution is not a factor that carries as much weight as other risk factors, although it is already considered responsible for many respiratory and cardiovascular diseases because the majority of the world’s population is exposed.

From doctor to doctor

The first times that Jordi began to feel bad, before suffering the heart attack, he went to the doctor for tests but, as at that moment he was serene, the results did not show any anomy. “So I I kept working. But it kept happening to me again that I got nervous and felt chest pain and discomfort. And, when I went through the damn tunnel, the same thing, “he says. He crossed the tunnel four times a day.

Jordi believes that he was “infarcted months.” That is, his body had been warning him for a long time of what finally ended up happening. “I realized that the pollution from cars annoyed me a lot “, He says. On December 31, 2017, he arrived in Vall d’Hebron with a microinfarction that eventually turned into a heart attack. “I recovered because I was lucky not to lose consciousness when it hit me.”

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Already recovered, since then he has been going for long walks around the Carmel mountain, as prescribed by your cardiologist. In addition, he has stopped going to work on a motorcycle and now it has been a long time use of public transport. When you have to take private transport, you choose the car. Avoid the busiest areas of Barcelona, ​​such as Rambla de Catalunya o la street of Aragon. “Everything I have to do I usually do in public transport,” he highlights.

Even so, he continues to notice the effects of pollution, because when there are episodes of pollution, it is not “as good” as other times. “Then I have to stop and breathe hard.”


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