“A decade of saving children from malnutrition”

Quaker and Un Kilo de Ayuda have worked for more than 10 years on the foundations of the “Quaker Qrece” program, a comprehensive initiative to change the lives of children with malnutrition in Mexico based on a recipe rich in nutrients, but in addition to support for their circles of care, family members and support networks with workshops and talks on food safety.

“I started this project 10 years ago and when I began to understand the level of impact that even a short period of malnutrition has on a child, you realize that it definitely affects their today, but above all it is putting the future at risk. of the child and his entire circle” Rosalina Tornel, manager of Quaker, commented in an interview.

The program has 7,811 Mexican children who were part of the program and overcame malnutrition in five states of the Mexican Republic, specifically located in the regions of Chiapas, State of Mexico, Oaxaca, Sinaloa and Yucatan. Additionally, in 2021, for the first time, the program was taken to Guatemala, in alliance with CARE, where the impact was achieved on 2,200 more children.

While to verify the effectiveness of this food, a study was carried out on the prevention of moderate malnutrition and another on the recovery of moderate malnutrition, the results of which are published in the Gaceta Médica de México in 2020, and in 2021, respectively, where showed that the intervention model is effective in preventing moderate malnutrition, achieving that 82% of children reached a normal weight after one year of participation.

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