A cry from the heart launched by an unvaccinated caregiver

An unvaccinated caregiver cries out to see her husband who has Alzheimer’s disease.

• Read also: Unvaccinated caregivers are dismissed

She fears the day when her husband will no longer be able to leave the residence because of his illness.

“I am not vaccinated for personal and health reasons (…) with everything I hear, I am really not dangerous because I live alone in my apartment and I have no visitors, so in my opinion I am less dangerous than a person who has the three vaccines and who would be in contact with other people”, Lina Vaillancourt, caregiver of her spouse.

In addition to her husband, Ms.me Vaillancourt took care until very recently of her two sisters. She feels powerless with her family who would need her presence.

“She called me and told me that she was really bored and that she would like me to go see her”, mentions the lady passing through the show Denis Levesque Wednesday.

Although she chose not to get vaccinated for personal reasons, she says she can help the system.

“I don’t cost the government anything, I’m available, I’m there when I have to be there and yet the doors are closing all the time,” she said.

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