A comprehensive accelerated decarbonization strategy is required

Our world has two great crises related to the environment, climate change and the loss of biodiversity are recognized as great threats to social well-being and the economies of the countries, as was considered by Ninel Escobar Montecinos, deputy director of Climate Change and Energy at WWF Mexico.

“You need a global response and an individual response from each country. What is required is the decarbonization of the economy so that we can grow and achieve economic prosperity without being linked to emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) that cause the problem of climate change “.

“The energy sector is relevant to the economy of Mexico, therefore, it is impossible to think of decarbonizing the economy if we do not decarbonise the energy sector, for which multiple urgent strategies of accelerated implementation are required for this to happen as soon as possible.

“Science has said that we have more or less 10 years to stop the problem or not to exceed the threshold that has already been determined for 1.5 degrees in which adaptation to climate change becomes unmanageable,” Escobar mentioned in the webinar “Mexico’s climate goals and the role of photovoltaic energy”, Organized by Solar Power México.


The Paris Agreement establishes that each country must prepare, communicate and maintain successively its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) in order to limit the increase in global temperature to less than 2 degrees Celsius, respecting the principle of common responsibilities, but differentiated, commented Marco A. Heredia Fragoso, general director of Policies for Climate Change at the Undersecretary of Planning and Environmental Policy (Semarnat).

He explained that the NDCs represent the commitments of each country to reduce GHG emissions and adapt to the effects of climate change.

“Our General Law on Climate Change includes the NDC as an instrument … The commitments that Mexico takes up with regard to unconditional mitigation is the reduction of 22% of GHG and the reduction of 51% of compound, as is the case of the black carbon (black carbon is the soot that results from incomplete combustion processes) “.

Escobar Montecinos explained that in a conditional way, in the event that there are financing, cooperation schemes, the establishment of a carbon price, the establishment of commitments that are at the height of the global challenge of climate change, this increase can reach up to a 36% of emissions GEI and up to 70% in the reduction of black carbon.

He said that mitigation actions in the case of electric power generation It was established: the promotion and integration of wind and photovoltaic energy in the electrical matrix to achieve 35% in 2024, the strengthening of the transmission and distribution infrastructure, including smart grids and storage applications and the use in other applications such as electric mobility .

The director of policies for climate change mentioned that the mitigation focused on residential and commercial includes the implementation of solar roofs under distributed generation schemes for domestic and commercial users, in addition to the fact that the secretariat is supporting the development of the NAMA program for solar roofs. .

“The NDCs are reviewed with a view to linking them to sectoral policy instruments of: energy, environment, agriculture, livestock and forestry.”


Our country has to formulate soon energy policies where we are able to accommodate a series of criteria and elements with which we all agree, as Adrián Fernández, director of the Mexico Climate Initiative, considered it.

“We have to ensure that the energy transition has great beneficial social impacts, together we close the gap in universal access to electricity and combat energy poverty. The technology exists, the only thing missing is dialogue ”, concluded Fernández during his participation in the webinar.

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