A 17-year-old girl was found dead in a storage room in Totana (Murcia) and her partner was arrested

A 17-year-old girl has been found dead, with multiple stab wounds, inside a storage room from the Murcian town of Totanain a case that is being investigated as gender-based violence.

The suspicious of the fatal stabbing is the boyfriend of the girl, a 19-year-old Spanish individual of Ecuadorian origin, whose initials are JPO, who was at the scene of the crime when the agents arrived and also had some cut.

The events took place in a storage room located on Rambla Subida a la Santa avenue, in Totana, around three in the morning. Its about address of the alleged perpetrator of the murder.

They moved to the place Consortium firefighterswho were notified by Armed Institute, to open open the storage room door. when they got it, inside was the body of a 17-year-old girl named Claudia Abigail. Dead.

The body was found inside storage room number 14, in the garage of the building where the suspect resides. This remains closed with a padlock and sealed by the Civil Guard.

It so happens that the minor’s family had recently denounced her disappearance.

The coroner on duty was alerted, who also went to the scene. The remains were transferred to Institute of Legal Medicine of Murciato be the autopsy the one that confirms what happened to her, although a first ocular inspection, according to sources linked to this judicial assistance body, revealed that the young woman had suffered multiple stab wounds.


The Judicial police has taken over the investigation. The suspect, a subject with no history of gender-based violence, has been arrested. In addition, sources close to the case have reported that He has confessed to being the author of the crime.

These sources point out that the subject came to utter the words “it was me” when the body was discoveredbloodied, of the victim, whose disappearance had been reported by his relatives the day before.

Sources close to the case pointed out that The crime was committed this Tuesday afternoon. Although it will be the autopsy that determines the moment of the girl’s death.

The suspect, born in Spain, He has lived for a long time with his mother and his two brothers.minors, on a second floor in the center of Totana, where they have a room rented from a compatriot.

This man is in charge of the two minor children of the woman, who is “shattered & rdquor; and she has been taken to Civil Guard facilities to testify.

“Very formal lads, who go to high school, with their studies, all very well & rdquor ;, said a lady, who found out from THE OPINION that he was the son of her “lifelong” neighbor & rdquor; the one arrested for the crime.

“I have found out about all this in the market, but I thought it was people from other floors, other people. It was the furthest thing I could think of, because they are very formal. Nothing, no fights, nothing& rdquor ;, declared the woman.

“All I can say is good & rdquor ;, insists the neighbor.

“Let the full weight of the law fall on him”

“Let the full weight of the law fall on him & rdquor ;, said a young passer-by at the door of the building where the confessed murderer lived. “He could have already thrown himself off the balcony & rdquor ;, he highlighted.

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The town of Totana woke up in shock and the neighbors talked about the crime, in the market that is installed precisely on the avenue where the young man lived with his family.

It is planned that a minute of silence in revulsion for the crime in the Plaza of the Constitution of Totana from 12.00 noon.

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