6 ideas to spoil yourself with $500

While some will use the $500 tax credit to absorb inflation at the grocery store or at the gas station, others will be tempted to invest it in a cultural outing (or even a madness!) they will remember for a long time. Do you lack inspiration? Here are six ideas to spoil you.

Dua Lipa on the arm of the CAQ

Certainly, an attractive and profitable option for anyone wishing to invest their CAQ check would be to buy a series of shows at a venue near you. With $500, you can easily see more than ten concerts. On the other hand, if you fancy a splurge, like seeing the star Dua Lipa up close at the Bell Center on July 25, rare seats in the lower portions of the stands, retailing between $240 and $572, are still available. . For the more maniacal Backstreet Boys who didn’t have the money to buy a seat on the floor, know that you can now, if you add about $150 from your pocket to the $500 from the fight against inflation, get one of the four seats near the stage that were still available yesterday at the Bell Centre. In Quebec, it’s even better since your $500 will be enough for seats on the floor of the Backstreet Boys offered between $300 and $400, at the Videotron Centre.

The Beatles on vinyl

Beatlemania hasn’t left you yet? You only live for the tunes of the Fab Four? You may very well be tempted by this box containing each of the singles released by Paul, John, Ringo and George between 1962 and 1970. The set of 23 vinyls also comes with a 40-page illustrated book which will become the centerpiece of any worthy collection…for the low price of $292.99. Taxes extra, of course.

A premium ticket for Kevin Hart

If you’re a fan of international comedy star Kevin Hart, you can pick up a single premium ticket for his July 29 concert at the Bell Center for $468.96. In addition to the ticket, the package includes, among other things, a lithograph of the tour and a red carpet entrance. But there will be no meeting with the artist!

One or two follies or Quebec books

With $500, collectors and lovers of beautiful books can splurge or two on a giant Taschen book (Frida Kahlo $275, The most beautiful libraries in the world $200, The Charlie Chaplin Archive $259, The James Bond Archive $275). An option for wiser readers? Obtain twenty new Quebec books.

An evening at the Diamond

With $500, it is possible to have a great time at Le Diamant in Quebec City by buying two good tickets for the play The dark side of the moon presented from April 15 to 30. Actor Yves Jacques takes over the role created by Robert Lepage. You can also start or end the evening, depending on the time of the performance, with a meal at the Bô Cuisine d’Asie restaurant located in front of the Diamant. Even adding alcohol, there will still be a few dollars left inside the wallet.

Tons of cinema

Do you find that an evening at the cinema is getting more and more expensive? Good news, with $500, it is possible for a family with two children to afford at least seven outings to the cinema with popcorn and soft drinks for everyone. And with the beautiful season on the horizon, the offer of films on screen will be more and more abundant.


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