6 activities to cut down on Christmas feasts

The horizon bathed in orange, but your face completely red from the effort. Luckily, it hasn’t dawned yet, so no one can see what the sun salutation is costing you after repeating up to four times at lunch on the 25th. “I should have said no to those croquettes & rdquor ;, you whip yourself while trying to lower the Christmas banquets in the class of Yoga with Bodhi, one of the many sports activities that do not rest this Christmas.

After the family lunches and dinners that are coming, it is so embarrassing that you will even develop your own gravitational force. Because, despite the restrictions, there is something that no one will take away from us, and it is binge eating, sweets, desserts and alcohol. Yes, a diet almost as intense was the one that gave Henry VIII of the Tudors gout.

Therefore, it is not surprising sports initiatives during the holidays. And not just the everlasting classes run by gyms and sports clubs: there are dozens of options outdoor, organized by independent ‘coaches’, to get off these Christmas feasts without having to lock yourself in the middle of the sixth wave.

The bodhi yoga classes are one of many examples. They meet almost every day (including 25, 31, 1 and 6), between 7.30 and 8 in the morning in the Espigó del Gas, in front of the Barceloneta park. Although they’re not the only ones. Also on the beach, in San Sebastián (on the Paseo del Mare Nostrum, in front of the Barcelona Swimming Club), Celange Terry organizes their classes from trapeze stunts, which he describes as an hour face down, turning and tumbling on the bars, but paying attention to breathing and correct muscle movement. “Perfect for those with back problems,” promises the sports therapist. His classes, coordinated through the MeetUp portal, are every day at 7.30 in the morning.

The group Multiverse Beachvolley, also from MeetUp, has little to do with the multiverse of the latest ‘Spider-Man’ movie, although the title indicates otherwise. Of course, with 1,500 registered members, their Beach volleyball they are as requested as the tickets to the premiere of the year. They meet either on the beach in front of the Can Fisher chiringuito (avenida del Litoral, 64), or in that of Somorrostro (in front of the Hospital del Mar), depending on the level and the group. They do several sessions a day, with a price of 5 euros per person, to pay for the material.

And yes, it is now terribly cold on the beach: although that does not prevent the group of Yoga with Bodhi is organizing the last bath of the year for christmas day. One plunge, and nothing will spoil the holidays.

Mountain activities

But not everything is sea. There is also the option to lower the food by climbing a mountain. The Federation of Excursionist Entities of Catalonia has been with the project since 2006 ‘100 peaks‘, a participatory list that has already exceeded one hundred peaks, and that it is difficult to define it in any other way than as the hiking bible of Catalonia. Any excursion that you have thought about, they already have it written down. Perfect to solve a mountaineering ‘day-trip’.

If you prefer something more guided, check the calendar of URIAN, a mountain guide company specialized in all kinds of high and low mountain activities. From snowshoeing for experts, to ethno-tourism and climbing for Sundays. One morning with them and the belt will close again through the usual hole.

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Finally, the most ‘family-friendly’ option. A Christmas race, mobile in hand, in which even the Duchess of Alba would have felt Usain Bolt. Is ‘Tion hunters‘, gymkhana on the Rambla de Catalunya that consists of solving puzzles to find the’ tions de nadal ‘that are hidden along the Barcelona artery. To play, download the ‘app’ Explorins And get into Poirot mode. The more you find, the more chances to win gifts in the drawing to be held on January 5. Yes, it will be the first time that an ‘uncle’ gives you gifts without defecating them.


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