55% increase in vehicle thefts in Sherbrooke

It is not only in Montreal where the number of stolen vehicles is increasing, it is also the case in Sherbrooke, in Estrie, where the police noted a 55% increase in thefts for the first two months of 2022.

• Read also: GPS trackers to better steal your car

• Read also: Auto theft on the rise in Montreal

Thieves target near-new cars directly into owners’ driveways.

The Sherbrooke police are concerned about the numerous vehicle thefts that have recently occurred on its territory.

“These are thefts that occur in the middle of the night directly in people’s entrances. We are talking about almost new vehicles, ”said the spokesperson for the Service de police de Sherbrooke.

With 20 flights since the beginning of the year, the increase in 2022 will be 55% compared to last year at this rate.

“We are possibly talking about a national network, several police forces are collaborating in the investigation,” continued Mr. Carrier.

It must be said that technology makes life easier for thieves. By using a device that amplifies the signal from the smart keys, they take possession of the vehicle in less than 60 seconds, as demonstrated by our colleagues from the “JE” program, who had access to images from surveillance cameras.

“It is clear that it is easier for thieves. Also, we know that there is a global shortage of new and used vehicles and unfortunately Quebec is a hub for the market of stolen cars that are shipped overseas,” said Jesse Caron, automotive expert at CAA Quebec. .

He also advised motorists to put their smart key in a metal box to cut off the signal, or to use a bar to block the steering wheel.


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