10 things you need to know about your Afore

An Afore is the administrator of your account for the return. If you have ever been to IMSS or ISSSTE as a trader, you will have money accumulated for your pension in one of these companies.

In agreement with Condusef, there are more than 18 million workers who are deprived of having a one-stop shop for the return and, finally, the services and benefits that the pension operators offer.

For example, these people need to know how much money they have accumulated for their pension, how to make a voluntary stop, how can they make partial retirements for example or matrimony, calculate how much they want to retire, pay them back and return them promotions that exist by doing voluntary work, must be registered in a voluntary manner.

Currently operating in Mexico 10 Administradoras de Fondos para el Retiro (Afores): XXI Banorte, Afore Azteca, Coppel, Citibanamex, Inbursa, Invercap, Principal, Profuturo, SURA y PensionISSSTE.

In addition, they administer 70.4 million accounts and up to 5.2 billion pounds, money invested to generate benefits for workers’ pension funds, according to data from the National Commission on the System of Aircraft for Retirement (Consar).

If you are part of the universe of the people who are known to have an account or know that they are registered in some Afore but ignorant in any case, there are three mechanisms to investigate this information.

How do you manage your money? To save your CURP, social security number and electronic mail. With these dates you can enter the page https://www.e-sar.com.mx/; call Sartel 55 128 5000 or download the AforeMóvil app and register to read the Afore number you have for money.

How many teens are there? There are two ways to investigate this date. First of all, in the midst of the state of affairs, the Afore must have read to your home a quarter of a month or the solicitation of the company by telephone.

Second, through the AforeMóvil app, you can get this information in less than 10 minutes and as soon as you return to the living room.

Commissions. After locating to the company that administers your money, it is important to investigate the commission that retains to carry out this action. The dates are located inside the Consar page. This year’s premium price is 0.56 per cent.

Yields. The agreement with the organ regulator of the Afores, the historical yield of the system is 5.37% real, but if you want to know how to obtain the Aphore of the agreement that the teen, debes investigate in which inversion company to find.

Existen 10 companies divided by edad group. For example, if you are 36 years old you correspond to the basic average 85-89 (persons born during this period), and there is a yield of 6.02 per year.

Beneficiaries. Verify who the beneficiaries of your Afore are and if this register does not exist. Beneficiaries are the people who can advertise to the Afore your money for the return in case of failure.

Options for voluntary participation. Las Afores sirven como herramienta financiera par invertir tus ahorros de corto, mediano o largo plazo. The idea of ​​voluntary membership is that it is realized to complement the amount of pension that is accumulated in the administrator.

There are three ways to make voluntary contributions. First, through the AforeMóvil app, it domiciles the amount it deserves to occur weekly, on or after the month. The second, from the page www.e-sar.com.mx and the search for commercial establishments from 50 pesos.

There are also incentives for real people to volunteer. Inside the AforeMóvil app, there is GanAhorro, a platform that, through the purchase of various products online, will be reimbursed for voluntary hours.

With money you retire. Inside the Consar page, on AforeMóvil and on the Amafore website, there are some calculators available for the retiree, the scales, with a series of information that can be obtained at the moment of retirement and that you need to do so. more altos.

Particular retreats. Workers with an account in an Afore have the option of realizing partial withdrawals of their accumulated goods, for example one year five years and matrimony one time in the future

For example, the amount that can be obtained is up to 30 days of your last base salary contribution or the result is less than 90 days of Salary in the last 250 weeks and 11.5% of accumulated resources.

Electronic shipping. This digital archive is essential for realizing some traumatic events, including those of Afore and partisan retreats. Integrate up-to-date personal information and biometric data, such as tactile hues, facial recognition and voice.

To comply with this document, you must submit a citation to your Afore and submit a series of documents. Once updated, the trades that desees make referring to your pension account will be faster.

Voluntary affiliation. If there has never been an affiliate in any social security institute you can register voluntarily in an Afore and realize now for a meta or for your return.

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