Your letters for Wednesday, September 14


The family understands the bears’ needs.

Re: “Pincher Creek area family harassed by bears”, September 12.

Kudos to the Lang family for their vision on co-existence with grizzlies.

I wish more of us could experience what they do and practice their respect for our wildlife.

Sally Starchuk, Calgary

Cartoon hit the nail on the head

Re: “Why Couldn’t You Just Keep Your Lips Together?” Editorial cartoon, Sept. 12.

Announcement 2


This is one of the best cartoons I’ve seen in a long time. He made my day!


Judge Robin Camp, during a sexual assault trial, asked why the sexual assault victim couldn’t just “keep her knees together.” No one, and certainly no judge, should tell a rape victim to “keep your knees together.” How stupid for someone to say.

The cartoon asks, referring to Judge Camp, “why couldn’t you just keep your lips together?” Wonderful!

Barbara Jean Moore, Calgary

We must win the fight against addictions

Re: “The fentanyl crisis is a health emergency”, Letter, September 10.

I look at Petra Schulz’s letter and am reminded that addiction affects families, emergency rooms, and ends countless young lives. The official number, while alarming, is not a true indication of the impact of fentanyl, other opioids, drugs and alcohol. A few pages before the Opinion page there was an article about a drunken mother hitting her four-year-old son in the face.

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I don’t think our leaders in Edmonton want to do anything about this crisis other than token support for new addiction centers and adding more detox beds. It’s just not enough in the battle against addiction. Also, I don’t think as a society we know what to do. If we did, we could help those we love and those who are suffering, whether physical or emotional, and support them in their mental anguish before they die. If we can, as a society, come closer to treating addiction as a disease and not as moral miswiring, then we can begin to win the battle and save lives.

Adam Woodward, Calgary

Liberals have no right to change the system

Re: “Time to Consider Electoral Options,” Letter, Sept. 12.

Timothy Wild’s letter about the need to move our electoral process to some form of proportional representation demonstrates an all too common misconception about the first step system.

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He says, “The first past, the post office system allowed a minority-generated majority government five years of ideological free rein to run Canada.” It is strange that he did not complain about the Liberal majority with a little less votes, mind you, but about the previous Tory.

His statement ignores what a plurality of votes is and how it is reflected in the seat count. There have only been five elections in Canada in which one party won more than 50 per cent of the votes cast, the last being Brian Mulroney’s second victory in 1988.

In case the liberals consider it necessary to change the system, a national referendum must be held. They do not have a mandate to impose a new and untested system on Canadians.

Michael Poland, Calgary

Green bins prone to smell

Re: “Certainly not green with envy”, Letter, September 13.

It’s great to know that every day we are more ecological. My concern is how we will avoid becoming the smelly city when people don’t keep their green bins clean.

I cringe at the influx of critters in my back lane. Also, where is the proposed giant compost pit, because of the smell that will waft over someone’s neighborhood?

Karen Ryan, Calgary

Announcement 1


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