Your Cards for Saturday, September 17: McDavid, Climate Concerns, and UFOs


McDavid’s comments are offside at best.

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“I’m very proud to be a Canadian, very proud to represent Hockey Canada,” Edmonton Oilers captain Connor McDavid said Thursday at the NHL/NHLPA Players Media Tour outside of Las Vegas. “A situation that is terrible for everyone.”


Terrible for EVERYONE, really? Was it terrible for those accused of gang-raping young women whose lives were irrevocably and horribly altered? Was it terrible for Hockey Canada management?

Contrast this with Nathan McKinnon’s comments: “It’s sad,” said MacKinnon, who won the Stanley Cup in his Colorado Avalanche in June. “There is no place for that. “I don’t know all the things about the investigation, but whatever happened was not right, that’s the main thing.”

McDavid needs to publicly retract his comments and undergo sexual awareness training. His comments are insensitive, ill-informed, or symptomatic of the toxic masculinity that pervades hockey nationally and professionally. If he is unable to understand how hurtful and damaging his comments are, Hockey Canada and the NHL should cover the guy’s mouth with hockey tape to prevent him from making any more of these damaging statements.

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Mary Anne Clarke, Calgary

The Council evades its duty on the climate emergency

Re: “Council Approves Five New Communities as Critics Raise Climate Concerns,” News, Sept. 14

A Calgary Herald story notes that during the city council’s public hearing, several citizens raised concerns about the continuing economic and climate costs of growing the city outward, rather than seeking to develop within existing boundaries.

Please add my voice to the list of concerned citizens. I wonder when the city council will “practice what it preaches” and show that it is serious about the declared climate emergency and will make decisions that prioritize the achievement of climate goals. When does the city say it’s time to stop growing the city out? I say the time is now for there to be hope that we can all have a more livable world.

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cathy Page, Calgary

Plastic bags are not “single use”

I can’t figure out why compostable and/or plastic grocery bags are considered “single use” bags. I reuse them over and over again. The plastic ones last longer, but even the other ones last for many trips to the store. I have used some of them for two years. Others have been broken up and recycled or composted and some, after many trips to the supermarket, get used to taking something to someone and leaving it there. Hopefully they are still used by those people as well.

Cloth bags also wear out at some point, so why choose the most convenient and affordable way to carry your groceries?

Jean Reid, Calgary

look to the skies

Re: “Alberta Among Nation’s Leaders In UFO Sightings”, News, Sept 15

Of course we are.

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Tim Creelman, Calgary

New talks in the arena raise concerns

I am concerned about the deal the city is working on with the Calgary Flames owners, especially now that a three-person committee is negotiating for the city.

The committee is made up of businessmen. How about adding to the committee a couple of representatives of the people who are going to pay for it? That is, the taxpayers.

Count Sonya Sharp has not hidden that she is a great promoter of the project. Perhaps someone who is more impartial should address this. When an agreement is reached, the public should be able to review it before signing it.

Ernie Ooms, Calgary

Now that’s service

Kudos to The Keg Restaurant at Market Mall for their wonderful help with my health issue while I was dining there. An ambulance was immediately called, which arrived very promptly, gave me expert care, and called Drumheller Hospital to let them know that more tests were needed. Everything went well and The Keg wouldn’t even let us pay for our food and called the next day to ask how it was. Such wonderful care is very touching.

Morley Krause, Drumheller

one-sided columnist

What a surprise! Another day and another boringly tedious character assassination of the prime minister by the groveling Conservative servant, columnist Chris Nelson.

I wonder why we never read murders of similar figures from conservative elites in the Herald.

Florence Rachansky, Calgary

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