YOU SAID IT: Muddy Tory waters

Here are today’s Ottawa Sun letters to the editor.

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The upcoming election for a new Conservative leader is quickly becoming a gong show. I look at the list and haven’t heard of many of the candidates until now. What’s even more disturbing is the fact that several are either former Liberals or don’t even have seats. Having said this, I have to wonder whether this is deliberate and how many are truly serious or just in it to muddy the waters. Most of them don’t stand the proverbial “hope in hell,” so I have to ask, “Why?”

With so many people running, it will be difficult to separate their different platforms and hear their messages. Oh, sure, there are those who will say stop selling voters short and give them a little credit. Sorry, but, with the current PM we have in office, it’s hard to believe that voters are that on the ball.

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Pierre Polievre is the only serious threat to Justin Trudeau, so I’m sure the latter will do whatever he can to eliminate that threat. Pierre’s got my vote.



(The party needs to get its house in order if it hopes to make any inroads in the next federal election.)


One thing about Mr. Freeze: He is not stupid and actually quite cunning. How else does one explain his newly formed partnership with Jagmeet and Co.? This country almost always emulates what transpires with its southern neighbour, but with Uncle Sam they have a lot more checks and balances to ward off such a sneaky political partnership.

Come this November, the Democrats will pay a very high price for all their lefty policies and will be decimated in both houses. I think Justin Trudeau and his advisers foresaw that the Grits would be totally hammered if an election were to be called this year or next, of which it surely would have had the PM not formed this wily partnership.

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Now there will be clear sailing for the next three years, and by that time the carnage will be incalculable and the two “J’s” will be riding into the sunset to other profitable ventures.



(What a cheery thought.)


On the day I read Bobby Rydell had died, I also read the Backstreet Boys were coming to Ottawa in September.

For those who don’t know, Bobby was from a time when there was a shortage of names, so Bobby was only one of many Bobbies, with the others being Vinton, Vee and Curtola. (Wish I didn’t know that, but I do.)

My point is, I knew I was “old” when I read Bobby had died and also knew the lyrics to Forget Him. To add insult to injury, checking the Bluesfest lineup, other than the Cooper Brothers and The Tea Party, I didn’t recognize any of the performers, probably because most of “my people” are on their way out like Bobby.

But then the Backstreet Boys came along and suddenly I was young again. One of my daughters texted my other daughter and asked, “Do you think Mom wants to see the Backstreet Boys?”

My answer was, “Absolutely.”



(Now throw your hands up in the air / And wave ’em around like you just don’t care)

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