Writing can be for everyone … but only with discipline

How difficult could it be to publish a book if it has never been professionally written? Still a couple of years ago, this seemed to be the privilege of an opinion leader, someone with college degrees, or someone lucky enough with millions of social media followers who could be mentored and sponsored by a major publisher. Now, the momentum of digital platforms and online businesses make it increasingly accessible, but there is one condition: write with discipline and for the fun of it.

This is what Nelly Acosta proposes with her book “52 exercises to write in pajamas”, presented within the framework of the 35th edition of the Guadalajara International Book Fair.

“I always hear that to write you need to have something interesting to tell. I think it’s a big lie. To write before you need something more basic: have the habit of doing it … that’s why not ‘just anyone’ would do it. And the discipline of writing has nothing to do with your age, experience or quality of spelling ”, explained the journalist and editor.

Proof of how writing can be developed with perseverance and a little advice, are the 5 writers who accompanied Nelly to the FIL in Guadalajara to present, like her, her first book. They all have something in common: they are entrepreneurs and have never published before.

“They did not do it in 24 hours or in 7 days, as those promises on social networks say. All added small triumphs, little by little, polishing writing errors, and overcoming the blockages that always come. The great reward always comes if you are constant. And for them, it was getting on stage at FIL to share their stories, “added Acosta, who founded the online Academy” Empower your words, “through which he teaches entrepreneurs and professionals to write: from a tweet, even a book.

Photo EE: Courtesy

What do women entrepreneurs write about? Jessica Vázquez shares a message to reconcile with money with her book “Divino Dinero”; Maribel Altamirano, the art of serving within a company with “Customer service: humans serving humans”; Margarita Castillo, empowers women who experience violence and compensate for it with overweight with the novel “Inés: brave or rebel?” and the grandmother Evelia and Lulú Serrano with an ancestral message with the book “Bioprogramación shamánica”.

“In more than 20 years of working in media newsrooms, I have found that many people who have something to say cannot write. And that many who do write, feel that they have nothing of their own to tell. With the book “52 exercises to write in pajamas” I want to encourage those people: those who already know what to say and cannot find how, and those who already have writing in their favor and do not dare to take it further “.

Do you need to write in pajamas? For Nelly it is the best way to do it. It is the metaphor of doing it in the day-to-day, in the most comfortable or fun way known, without worrying too much about mistakes, as it says, those can always be polished later.

“Writing is the best gift we have. To have clarity of ideas, understand life, help others and even to give yourself the luxury, one day, of traveling to another city, as we all did, to share our books ”.

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