With the masks and the rebellion of the machines we go

The masks are for the summer … And for the fall, spring, summer … This is what the Minister of Health, Ruiz Escudero, has come to say at the Health Observatory. If it depends on him, in certain exteriors they must be mandatory for life. So get ready, because as the idea spreads, that of looking if we wear the ‘mask’ before leaving home has come to stay.

It is true that if we came to know, we would have sat the counselor with the director of public health of the WHO. María Neira says that they are working very well, but that We must also consider the possibility that an environmental problem is generated with them. He is right, it was enough to take a walk this summer on the beach to see that there were many on the shore.

María Neira has taken advantage of the observatory to clarify: the pandemic will not end in March 2022. We will simply have it somewhat more under control. And no, not that I was in Margarita del Val mode, is that there is still a long way to go to say goodbye to the pandemic.

The permanent members of the Health Observatory have agreed on this. A table of conclusions where the knives have flown from one side to the other. Be careful, very good vibes, but one who was in the middle has had to dodge a couple. Several lessons have emerged from there: the first, that Juan Abarca insists on the ‘Congresillo’, but with love. And it is because it is not a scientific congress.

The second is that Javier Urzai, from Farmaindustria, the PERTE of Health is known from pe to pa, but it does not mean anything. And the third, that Pilar Aparicio, Director of Public Health, does not stop. It has come directly from the Public Health Committee to tell us the last hour: third dose for the most vulnerable groups.

Aplidina and ‘Battle Royale’

By the way, the Madrid Health Minister had a heartfelt memory for the Aplidine from PharmaMar. “We’re already late” with her, he said. From the stands José María Fernández Sousa-Faro he smiled in a combination of satisfaction and complicity.

The health advisers, by the way, have wanted to remove this aura from ‘Battle Royal’ that has the Interterritorial Health Council. What seems to be the scene of political fights and the exchange of daggers, swords, and other sharp objects? Nothing could be further from reality, according to Jesus Aguirre, responsible for the health of Andalusians: “There has always been a capacity for dialogue with both Illa and Darias.”

“There have been no fights because there is good harmony with both Illa and Darias. They have given coherence to the body ”, agreed Sira Repollés, her colleague from Aragon. So you know, ignore the gossip. In the Interterritorial Council there are no fratricidal combats. If anything, pillow fights.

On the other hand, in the last day of the observatory we had important predictions of the future. The Rise of the Machines could be 10 years from now, folks !! What if someone has already patented Skynet, they say? No, it is about the Spanish judges, who according to Federico de Montalvo, head of Bioethics in Spain, they will have to be robots to be able to assume everything that has been demanded of them by the pandemic, and even by future health crises.

And this is one of the photos of the day:

Diana Morant, Minister of Science, with those attending the II Symposium of the Health Observatory.

Diana Morant, Minister of Science, with those attending the II Symposium of the Health Observatory.

Premiere of Diana Morant, Minister of Science and Innovation, before the health sector. She should be comfortable, because she has spent almost half an hour talking with the assistants.

Four days of analysis and study of the health sector end. Final point to a Health Observatory that is already in its third edition. Attentive because we can have “an extraordinary edition of the Health Observatory”, Pedro J. Ramírez dixit. And if he says so, something is on his mind. We’ll be alert.


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