We can sharpen the tooth in Castilla y León with the controversy of Garzón’s meat

  • “He has gotten us fully into the campaign,” the purple candidate for 13-F, Pablo Fernández, confidently admits

On December 20, when Alfonso Fernandez Manueco advanced the elections in Castilla y León, Alberto Garzon I had already spoken with ‘The Guardian’ on the macro farms. A few days later the interview would be made public and it would still take another week for it to capture the media’s attention. At that time, no one at United We Can imagined the impact they would have. Even less than those declarations could revitalize them in the electoral competition in Castilla y León. “He has put us fully into the campaign“, admits the purple candidate for 13-F, Paul Fernandez.

“The coherence that we have is going to be noticed and it is going to favor us,” emphasizes the leader of United We Can in conversation with THE NEWSPAPER after pointing out that they have been defending the extensive livestock model against the macro-farms for years. The controversy surrounding the words of the Minister of Consumption has only highlighted it, they assure from the dome of the purples. “Without having foreseen or thought about it, it can be beneficial,” admit sources close to the leadership of the confederal space.

Although it seems obvious, different voices from United We Can point out, over and over again, that Garzón’s defense of the extensive model did not pursue this end. “It was never thought of with an electoral perspective,” says a source from the environment of the second vice president and purple leader, Yolanda Diaz. “We have benefited almost unintentionally“, reiterates another source closer to the direction of Podemos. “Without eating or drinking it,” summarizes a third. But, although unintentionally, the result is that they now have a new trick to play.

The space of the PSOE

In the purple ranks there is consensus that the PSOE’s confrontation with Garzón has distanced the Socialists from their traditional ideological position on livestock, giving that space to United We Can. “There are people who see a green speech with very good eyes and Garzón has earned them,” they maintain. According to a source from the environment of the party leadership, they have been opened “a window of opportunity“. And they are willing to use it on campaign.

The general secretary of Podemos, Ione Belarra, has already taken advantage of it this Saturday in Valladolid, where she has also warned that the PP and PSOE intend that the regional elections in Castilla y León on February 13 be “the first stop back to bipartisanship” to “be able to distribute offices”. Belarra has defended that popular and socialists want the “turn system” to return in which decisions are made “excluding the majority”, and in this sense he has pointed to the elections in Castilla y León as ” first stone on the road”, he indicated in the act of presentation of the candidacy of United We Can to the elections led by Pablo Fernández.

The general secretary of Podemos has differentiated for February 13 only two options at the polls: the truth that Pablo Fernández defends or “those who lie and spread hoaxes, as the PP does.”

The second vice president and Minister of Labor did not attend the event. Sources from his environment point out that he will participate in the electoral campaign, but that for the moment “this matter has not been addressed” within the confederal space.

“Be decisive”

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Despite the game that the controversy can give, the purples do not want to change the central axes of their campaign. Fernández explains that he will focus his speech on the defense of public services “shattered” by the PP Government, in its strategic proposal to reverse the depopulation in Castilla y León, paradigm of the Emptied Spain, and the need to promote the ecological transformation.

The sensations within the coalition of Podemos, IU and Alianza Verde that are presenting themselves together in the elections for the first time is “positive”. Waiting to see the electoral revenue that they can obtain from the controversy over the macro-farms, the trust is placed in reissuing the two prosecutors who obtained those results in 2019 or better. “What we want is to be able to be decisive in the face of a change of government“Fernández settles on what his aspiration is.


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