Veterans and legion clash over the use of poppy in electoral posters

Lee Berthiaume, The Canadian Press

Posted on Saturday, October 8, 2022 at 7:16 AM m. WBS

Two veterans running for city council north of Toronto have clashed with the Royal Canadian Legion for using the image of the poppy on their election campaign posters.

Nickolas Harper and Chris Dupee, both veterans of the war in Afghanistan, say they decided to wear the iconic symbol of remembrance to let voters in their respective communities know they served in uniform.

Dupee, who is running for council in Newmarket, where he lives and owns a veterans’ mental health clinic, said being a veteran is a key part of his identity. He is also a major selling point on the campaign trail, as he seeks elected office later this month.

“I have an opportunity to introduce myself to my community and convince them that I am the right person,” he said. “I think it reflects my commitment to serving and that my serving never stopped. I just want to change the fire a little bit and serve my community.”

It was only after the legion ordered them to remove the image that they learned that the veterans organization owns the trademark for the poppy image, allowing it to control its use in Canada.

Both candidates have covered the poppy on their posters under threat of legal action, but question why the legion has sole control of the image and why Canadians who have served in uniform cannot use it freely.

“If we have to be that extravagant in this country, let’s go,” said Harper, who is running for councilor in Bradford. “The poppy is known internationally, it is a symbol that recognizes veterans and the sacrifices we have made.”

The poppy was adopted as a symbol in Canada and other Commonwealth countries in 1921. But according to legion spokeswoman Nujma Bond, it does not represent all veterans; represents those who died in the service of the country.

It is also central to the Legion’s annual fundraising campaign, which generates millions of dollars to support veterans across Canada each year around Remembrance Day.

The image of the poppy was registered by the legion in 1948 following an act in Parliament, which according to Bond gave the sole responsibility of protecting the symbol to the organization.

That guardianship includes ensuring that the poppy is not disrespected or used for personal profit or gain, including as a tool for political candidates, regardless of their background or affiliations.

“Poppies and politics don’t mix,” Bond said in a statement. “The poppy is a symbol of Canada’s fallen remembrance and not a tool for political candidates to use on campaign posters, regardless of the level of government.”

He added, “We ask that you find other ways to reflect veteran status during a political campaign.”

Harper and Dupee are not the first to be warned against using the poppy without permission; a fundraising campaign was also under arms from the legion for using the image in 2017.

The Legion has also called on online retailers to clamp down on unauthorized sales of the image.

Dupee and Harper say they have complied with the legion’s order to cover the poppies on their billboards with stickers and fully respect the importance of the commemoration in Canada.

But they wonder if it’s time to revisit the exclusive property of the legion poppy.

“Veterans should be able to use poppy for any purpose,” Dupee said. “They have earned that right more than anyone, in my opinion.”

He also knows there will be some who disagree with him, and he welcomes that conversation.

“I think it’s a great opportunity to raise awareness, update certain policies and have a discussion,” Harper repeated. “If we can make the policy changes, that’s great. If we can have an open dialogue about it, I think that’s great too.”

The call to end the legion’s control over the poppy comes months after “Freedom Convoy” supporters were accused of trying to co-opt the Canadian flag for their own ends.

When asked who would be responsible for making sure the poppy was used respectfully, Dupee suggested that might fall to veterans, too.

“It would be called at a peer level,” he said. “Not on a legal level, right? … So if someone steps out of line, I expect others to call them out, including me.”

This report from The Canadian Press was first published on October 8, 2022.

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