Vancouver Symphony Orchestra to carry on with Ukraine benefit concert after conductor’s tragic death

The organization will continue with the planned concert “in memory of Maestro Brott,” who died Tuesday after being hit by a car in Hamilton

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The Vancouver Symphony Orchestra will celebrate “Ukrainian music and artistry” with a special concert event.

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Set for April 20 at the Orpheum Theatre, A Tribute to Ukraine will see the orchestra perform various works including Prayer for Peace by Ukrainian composer Mykola Lysenko, along with the Canadian and Ukrainian national anthems.

Ukrainian-Canadian Maestro Boris Brott was originally announced as the concert’s conductor. Brott, 78, died Tuesday after being hit by a car in Hamilton, Ont.

“The VSO and the VSO School of Music’s collective hearts grew that much heavier today,” Angela Elster, CEO and president of the VSO and VSO School of Music, said in a statement following the news of Brott’s passing. “The loss of Maestro Brott is terribly shocking news for his family of him, for our sector, and of course for all of us here at the VSO.”

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The organization will continue with the planned concert “in memory of Maestro Brott,” according to the news release. Net proceeds will go to the Canadian Red Cross Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal. A replacement driver has yet to be announced.

“The VSO is determined to keep the music going so that our community has a place for the expression of heartbreak and grief,” Elster said. “Let music bring us together so that we are elevated, inspired and find comfort in one another and the VSO’s music.”

Tickets are $33 and are available for purchase online at or via telephone at 604-876-3434.

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