UN Mexico warns about fraudulent use of its name and emblem to rebuild houses in Monterrey

Monterrey, NL. The United Nations in Mexico warned on social networks about the use of its name and emblem by the so-called “UN Foundation / Gregocirusuk Mundo, SC” which intends to act on behalf of the UN in the reconstruction of homes after a fire in Monterrey.

In recent days a fire destroyed the roof tiles where more than 150 people lived in the “El Pozo” property, in San Bernabé.

“UN Mexico currently does not have housing construction projects. Furthermore, it will never request any type of payment for projects that it implements in the country,” the agency said.

A local media published that the supposed North regional director of said foundation, Gregorio Hernández indicated “that they received approval to make a donation and build 150 houses on the property known as El Pozo, where the fire consumed the patrimony of more than 100 families.”

Support for victims

To provide support and comprehensive care to families affected by the fire, the state government implemented a series of actions in support of the residents of Colonia Valles de San Bernabé, in Monterrey.

The governor of New Lion, Samuel García Sepúlveda, accompanied by his wife Mariana Rodríguez, head of the Amar a Nuevo León Office, and the Secretary for Equality and Inclusion, Martha Herrera, went to the place to attend to the needs of the families.

The head of the Ministry of Equality and Inclusion, Martha Herrera, explained that the service route is transversal, since it works in coordination with the various state agencies and the municipality of Monterrey.

“We have Civil Registry services in a house that they lent us, thanks to a neighbor we put the module and there is a line of people recovering all their documentation” which was lost during the fire.

“The personnel of the Secretariat and the municipality are in the place making a specific survey, one by one, of all the families, at the moment we have 87 families with first and last names,” said the official.



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