Uganda: Colombian researcher killed by elephant

A Colombian researcher working for an American university died on Sunday trampled by an elephant in Kibale National Park in western Uganda, the national parks authority announced on Monday.

Sebastian Ramirez Amaya, a researcher based at Arizona State University (USA), was with another researcher and a guide in this park renowned for its wildlife and its research center.

“They (the group) came across a lone elephant which charged at them, forcing them to run in different directions. The elephant chased Sebastian and trampled him, resulting in his death,” the Uganda National Parks Authority said in a statement on Monday.

“We have not experienced such an incident in the last 50 years of forest research in Kibale National Park,” she added.

At the end of January, a Saudi tourist was killed by an elephant during a safari in Murchison Falls Park, after he left the vehicle in which he was traveling with friends.

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