Two months after the outsourcing reform, there are hot spots on employment and bad practices

Two months after the full entry of the reform in the field of outsourcing there are red lights on, especially because until now it is not known where the 900,000 workers who stopped being under an outsourcing scheme were left; labor market indicators point to a growth in informality; bad practices, now known as CUCAS (sophisticated tax schemes), and the platforms of the IMSS e Infonavit they are untied which prevents full compliance, even by when the time for inspections comes.

The above was presented by Mónica Flores, president of ManpowerGroup Latam; Juvenal Lobato, president of the Fiscal Commission of Coparmex and Juan Pablo Lemmer, Fiscal Commission of NL; in the framework of the panel “Aspects of the new subcontracting reform, what’s next?”, who agreed that the changes to the Federal Labor Law were necessary, but the impact was never foreseen. 900,000 subcontracted workers, we do not know if they are in the informal sector, if they have a job or not, “said Flores Barragán.

Lobato stated that there is lack of coordination between the IMSS and Infonavit, since their platforms do not always respond quickly, which has delayed the authorization of records; even, they are still waiting for the criteria, by the SAT, to know the cases in which it is a commercial contract and non-labor the one that is established with the companies to perform certain services, as the implications could affect them.

“If they had detected the illegal practices, they could end those practices, even if they were criminal in nature; however, we have to adapt to the new changes, with a reform that is deeply fiscal, since if the labor reform as presented is not complied with, we are prevented from deducting and crediting the payments that are made ”, explained Lobato.

What is to come is the most delicate, the implementation today we must do the best possible, but the SAT audits and they will rate us what we did or did not do well, and very focused on what it means to “make available (personal)”.

He stressed that the changes with the reform are profound, that they involve the operation of the company and how they are being structured, there are companies that still do not have the REPSE because it has not been easy, and in this dynamic there was little sensitivity on the part of the authority.

Strong investments and slow implementation

Companies that internalize staff had to make heavy investments; In addition, this law does not allow a third party to perform temporary services, “this is a titanic job, registering a person in the IMSS, and terminating them after three days or the following month, will have a high cost for companies, beyond all the reform of having an assembly to authorize it, and this does not allow changes to take place at the required speed. Audits will be a topic and will require investment of time and expense, when we should focus on productivity and investment of our organizations ”, added Flores Barragán.

Lobato added that “on a sensitive issue is that temporary work has not been regulated, it is very different to speak of subcontracting, this means that it is not known whether or not the standards are met when they are regulated in the world.”

In that sense, they agreed that much remains to be developed, and the real impact cannot yet be fully seen.

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