TVE and Divinity alter their programming to pay tribute to Verónica Forqué

RTVE alters its programming tonight to pay tribute to Verónica Forqué after learning that she has taken her own life at her home at the age of 66. For example, La 1 de TVE broadcasts at 10:10 p.m. a special presented by Elena S. Sánchez and directed by Paco Quintanar, in which they will remember her career and her personality from the hands of friends and professionals who worked with her.

Next, The public channel will broadcast ‘Kika’, directed by Pedro Almodóvar and for which Verónica Forqué won one of the four Goya Awards that he achieved throughout his professional career in the world of cinema.

For its part, Divinity also changes the programming that it had planned this Tuesday night to honor and remember the figure of Verónica Forqué. The female chain of Mediaset will broadcast this December 14 the chapter ‘Solitudes’ of the series ‘Hospital Central’, which featured a cameo by the Madrid actress.

In this chapter, Forqué gives life to Amalia, Vilches’s sister, whom he has not seen for years. The character, who has not been spoken to for years, pays him an unexpected visit with the excuse of a sore wrist. In fact, she seeks help with symptoms that confuse her. The doctor diagnoses him with Alzheimer’s and, paradoxically, it is the disease that reconciles the siblings and allows them to make up for lost time.

Verónica Forqué dies

Verónica Forqué has passed away this Monday at the age of 66. Born into a family of artists, she studied drama and began her career playing roles in her father’s films, becoming a comedy actress. His great cinematic leap came with Pedro Almodovar and his role in ‘What have I done to deserve this?’ in 1984, for which he won the ACE Award as best supporting actress.

A career full of awards, including four Goya: best supporting female performance for ‘The year of lights’ in 1986; best female lead for ‘The happy life’ in 1987; and best supporting female performance by ‘Moors and Christians’ in the same year, being the first female interpreter to win two Goya in the same ceremony.

In 1993 he obtained his fourth Goya for his leading role in ‘Peek’by Pedro Almodóvar. In 2014 she was awarded the Spike of Honor at the Valladolid International Film Festival; and in 2018, with the Fierce Award of Honor for a Lifetime Achievement.

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The actress also built a career on television and on stage. In addition, his voice will be remembered for having voiced Shelley Duvall in the Spanish version of ‘The glow’, de Stanley Kubrick.

His last appearance on the small screen was in the sixth edition of ‘MasterChef Celebrity’. Forqué was a semifinalist of the talent show and one of the aspirants who will be most remembered for her passage in the kitchens, an edition that many will evoke as his own.

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