Transfers of migrants, in the opacity: NGO

Social organizations in the southeast of our country warned about the lack of clarity on the part of the government in the procedures for carrying out the transfers, and regularization processes of more than 700 migrants detained on April 1 and 2 in Tapachula, Chiapas, after the National Guard (GN) broke up his caravan.

Through a statement, the Collective for Observation and Monitoring of Human Rights in the Mexican Southeast (COMDHSM) expressed its concern at the lack of information about the transfer of the large group that, it is worth mentioning, faced a strong operation by elements of the GN and the National Migration Institute, who would have used excessive and disproportionate force, which left several people detained and injured.

The COMDHSM highlighted that regarding these people who left Tapachula after months of no response from the immigration and refugee authorities to carry out their immigration procedures and in the face of barriers to access basic rights, such as medical care, there is, until moment, information on the procedures to carry out their transfers, nor the regularization processes.

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