Today’s Letters: Sex Workers; Ottawa elections; and Trudeau bungee jumping


Liberalize sex work, but not fully


I believe that the law regarding sex work should be liberalized, but work should not be completely decriminalized. Sex workers should be allowed to advertise, but only use ads normally accessible to people over the age of 18, similar to the Cannabis Act restrictions. Adults can still find cannabis shops and I guess they could find sex workers despite age-restricted advertising.

Generally speaking, sex workers should be encouraged to work independently and on their own, either individually or as part of a group or collective with other self-employed sex workers. Law firms, accountants and architects have been able to provide services directly to the public without the need to be managed or controlled by someone in a different profession. I’m sure sex workers can do the same.


It should be illegal for anyone to hire or employ someone to provide sexual services to a third party. Clients should be allowed to purchase sexual services as long as they do not know or have reasonable grounds to believe that the sex worker is under the direction or control of another person. Encouraging sex workers to work independently or in partnership will increase their autonomy and probably their income as well.

Bruce Couchman, Ottawa

Bungee jumping is an apt metaphor

Re: PM dives into the bungee with his mouth open4th of October

Congratulations to our Prime Minister for his practical demonstration on the state of the economy. His personification of his situation, as he is appropriately dressed in red flannel, is a great comfort to me as I watch my life savings take a similar downturn.


Charles Morton, Manotick

Meanwhile, for your next stunt…

Man, that was a radical bungee jump! And I found Justin Trudeau’s itinerary for the rest of the week: tightrope walking with a wheelbarrow over Niagara Falls; e he will attempt to complete the “Evel” Knievel motorcycle jump over the Snake River Canyon.

Terry Toll, Campbell Bay

Candidates’ promises can be contradictory

It’s unbelievable that municipal candidates are telling the federal government to go back to white-collar work or convert empty buildings to housing. I called the city to find out that most city employees are still working from home.

Wondering why city services are so slow? Wondering why it takes weeks for a query to get back to you? And so on. I wonder if anyone else has noticed that some election issues are empty and go uninvestigated.

Brian Vachon, Greeley

Don’t let in the Russian hockey players

Canada should not grant visas to Russian hockey players on NHL teams that have regular season games in their country.

If the players cannot denounce the war in Ukraine because of their family in Russia, we must take a stand against Russian President Vladimir Putin on their behalf. We have to be tough with and for them. No more bleeding hearts for Russian sports figures.

Faith Jamieson, Orleans

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