This is how the polls for the elections in France look ahead to the second round

Three days before the second round of the presidential election from France from April 24, Emmanuel Macron keeps her distance from her rival, the far-right candidate, Marine LePen. According to the survey of the French Institute of Public Opinion (IFOP), the current tenant of the Elysée would achieve 55.5% of the votes, while the candidate from the extreme right would remain with 44.5% of the votes. A distance of 11 points that has been widening day by day since the first round was held on April 10. However, this Thursday has not experienced any change despite the fact that the expected event took place the day before debate between the two candidates.

In the 2017 elections, Macron obtained 66.10% of the ballots and Le Pen, 33.90%.

A little over a week ago, the voting intentions of the president and the leader of National Regrouping they were much tighter, just five points (52.5% compared to 47.5%), but over the days Macron has been consolidating his advantage. The centrist leader has fully entered the electoral campaign after being practically absent during the first round campaign.

The new demographic data comes one day after the two candidates were measured in the only face to face televised campaign. In the debate both tried to seek to convince undecided voters and those who are thinking of abstaining. The main objective is to fish in the bag of votes that the candidate of the Unsuspecting France harvested, Jean-Luc Mélenchonin the first round, which was third in the race with more than 7.7 million ballots (22%).

After the first round, Mélenchon asked not to give “not a single vote” to the extreme right. His party has carried out a consultation among the militancy to set the vote in next Sunday’s election: the white or null vote is the preferred option, with 37.65% support, ahead of the vote for Macron (33.4% ) and abstention (29%).

The president, winner of the debate

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In this Wednesday’s debate, the least watched in history according to Médiamétrie audience data, Macron was victorious. According to a survey by the BFMTV chain, 59% of viewers believe that the president was more convincing compared to 39% of those who opt for Marine Le Pen.

On this occasion, the candidates maintained a different attitude regarding the 2017 debate. Macron, with a much more offensive speech, tried to put the ultra candidate on the ropes, who maintained a much more moderate tone than five years ago.

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