They create a group in NL due to disappearances

Monterey, NL. Governor Samuel García Sepúlveda announced the creation of a special support group for the search for disappeared women and attention to femicides, with more than 200 elements, which will be available to citizens and the State Attorney General’s Office.

As part of an urgent decree signed by the president of Nuevo León, to address violence against women, in addition to the special group, actions were instructed such as a generalized alert, in the event of a disappearance, in all security and Civil Protection corporations. in coordination with the federal and municipal authorities, in addition to implementing the approved immediate search protocol.

Search in hospitals

It is also expected that the local Ministry of Health, public and private hospitals, as well as the University Hospital and Forensic Service provide information when requested about people in said centers immediately and a review of detention centers throughout the country will be carried out. condition.

The decree also includes the acceleration of the Comprehensive Control, Command, Communication and Computing Center project of the state (C5), to install a platform that coordinates, directs and channels, via 911, all cases immediately.


Last Sunday there was a protest by groups of women and relatives of 18 young people who have disappeared in the last month.

In particular, there was anger among the population because in the case of María Fernanda Contreras Ruiz, 27, who disappeared on April 3, her family allegedly gave her last location to the State Attorney General’s Office a day later, and she was until April 7, when they searched the home and found the young woman lifeless.

Likewise, Debanhi Susana Escobar Bazaldúa, 18 years old, has been missing since April 8, when she was last seen on the highway to Nuevo Laredo.

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