They ask for more budget for the ENAH and stop precariousness

At noon on Wednesday, January 5 and for about four hours, students, workers and teachers of the National School of Anthropology and History (ENAH), demonstrated in front of the facilities of the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), in the street of Hamburgo, in the Juárez neighborhood. Promoted by the General Assembly of the ENAH, the mobilization arose in response to the complaint made by the same director of the institution, Hilario Topete Lara, when he made public that the school would have to suspend around 60 academic activities due to the indications not to rehire the temporary staff for the period 2022 .

Despite the responses they have received from the government, starting with that of the spokesman for the Presidency, Jesús Ramírez Cuevas, who assured through social networks that no one would be fired, and which was later confirmed by the anthropologist Diego Prieto, general director of the INAH, through his Twitter, the community assures that the answers are ambiguous and that it is better to address the underlying problem, that is, the lack of resources at school.

They affirm that now “the table is set” and that the school “needs more than the rehiring of 2021”, since it has been in precarious conditions for years. “We have a huge building in black work for more than a decade.”

At the beginning of the demonstration, the main banner read: “Budget for the ENAH”, others were raised with texts such as: “Science and culture against the dictatorship”, or “For public education I defend the ENAH”.

After a while of slogans, a student representative raised the microphone to begin with a series of pronouncements. “The only thing we are doing is asking for dignity for our schools, that school life be nurtured, but it is true that at least the ENAH for decades has been presenting a precarious situation where it becomes untenable to be a student and To do it calmly, not only students, teachers and workers have been systematically violated in our school ”.

Without revealing her name, she said that the ENAH He has always maintained a highly critical profile before the ruling party, and that his organizational and administrative forms will always go beyond “lukewarmness”, he assured that they are not asking for more than the bare minimum or enough for his school to function with dignity. .

For their part, the temporary workers in their statement assured that the control mechanisms of the temporary staff hiring process keep them permanently in a state of uncertainty, even though the activities they carry out have already been fully justified on different occasions before the National Coordination of Institutional Development and Human Resources of the Institute itself.

“That is why we understand and support the concern of Dr. Hilario Topete, due to the impact that was seen in the internal and external academic-administrative processes of the institution, as well as the risks associated with non-compliance with the institutional objectives in the corresponding instances , in contrast to the principles, values, conducts and rules established in the Code of Ethics for Public Servants of the INAH ”.

They asked that they be officially notified of the times and forms in which their rehire process will be carried out, in such a way that they guarantee the return to their work activities. But further, they agreed on a need for improvement for all, that the official recognition of the functional organization chart of the School be sought before the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit and with this, its contractual situation is regularized, guaranteeing decent and favorable working conditions .

Although the development march mainly in the offices located in Hamburgo 135, Juárez neighborhood, in the Cuauhtémoc mayor’s office, where pronouncements were read, slogans were shouted, dances and acrobatics were performed, all without mishaps, in the end they mobilized and closed a few minutes Paseo of the Reformation and protested at the Angel of Independence. Also attending the march was a student support commission from the Center for Economic Research and Teaching (CIDE) and Jean Meyer Barth geographer and historian, who has closely followed and supported recent movements.

The next step will be a meeting with Diego Prieto Hernández, general director of the INAH, this Thursday, January 6 at the Javier Romero Auditorium, especially to deal in a timely manner, the processes that the Institute will implement to guarantee the working conditions of the workers.

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