These are the judges who chose Chanel and excluded Rigoberta Bandini and Tanxugueiras

These are the members of the jury who bet for Chanel to win the Benidorm fees. They were the experts who ultimately chose to exclude the two big favorites: Rigoberta Bandini and Tanxugueiras. HThey decided with the overwhelming weight of their vote (it is worth 50%, compared to 25% of the public and 25% of the demographic) who Spain represents in Eurovision 2022:

Natalia Calderon

As a “professional singer, actress, vocal ‘coach’, singing teacher and theater producer”, she introduces herself on her website. She was the vocal ‘coach’ of Soleá Fernández, who came third in Junior Eurovision 2020, and Melani, who also came third in Junior Eurovision 2019.

Miryam Benedited

choreographer José Luis Moreno gave her the alternative as a dancer, according to her own confession, in 1987. She was the choreographer for the series ‘Un Paso Adelante’. His was the choreography of Edurne in Eurovision 2015, with ‘Amanecer’, which finished in 21st place out of 27 participants.

Stephanie Garcia

She joined the RTVE Choir as a mezzo-soprano in 2001 and now holds the somewhat intimidating position of inspector of the RTVE Choir.

Marvin Dietmann

The Austrian artistic director is a Eurovision veteran. He was the set designer for Conchita Wurst’s winning performance in 2014 and César Sapmson’s in 2018, third place. He also accompanied Blas Cantó in Eurovision 2021, 24th out of 26.

Felix Bergsson

Head of the Icelandic Eurovision delegation. The second places in Jerusalem 1999 and Moscow 2009 are the best rankings Iceland has achieved in Eurovision, little joke for an island of 366 000 inhabitants. However, Iceland is the spiritual champion of all European song festivals and thanks to the film ‘Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga’ (2020), directed by David Dobkin and written by Will Ferrell and Andrew Steele.

And it was the presenters who did not influence the result, but noticed the development of the gala:


The singer has more than satisfied her impressive eighties desire to become a folklore. She has a boyfriend ten years younger than her (Mario Vaquerizo), she has shown her Madrid footprints right and wrong in her own ‘reality’ (‘Alaska and Mario’) and presents ‘Cine neighborhood’ on TVE on Saturday afternoons . In addition, as a singer, he cherishes the strip of Spanish pop classics and is witty with Nacho Canut in the Fangoria interviews.

Maximum Board

Or Maximo, it’s going as it goes. His extensive journalistic career in television has the peculiarity of Wikipedia being presented as “Filmography”. For example, according to Wikipedia, he had the “role” of presenter in À Punt’s ‘Las chimes de fin de año 2021-2022’, among many other ‘roles’. He writes books that sell a lot, but for which it is difficult to get a literary critic. In 2018, he was appointed by Pedro Sánchez as Minister of Culture and Sport. A week later he had to resign from the post for a pufo at the Treasury. Brevity record.

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Agnes Hernand

Madrilenian, 29 years old, lawyer, ‘influencer’ and comedian. She is a presenter of the program ‘Gen Playzon Playz, TVE’s digital platform dedicated to its younger audience.

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