The Treasury freezes the modules of the self-employed and SMEs by 2022

The Ministry of Finance has frozen the levels and conditions of the objective estimation method of the Personal Income Taxs (personal income tax) and the simplified special regime of Value Added Tax (VAT) for fiscal year 2022, known as ‘modules’ for which many self-employed workers and SMEs pay taxes, such as those in the taxi sector.

This is clear from the order of the Ministry of Finance published in the Official State Gazette (BOE), which maintains for the year 2022 the amount of the signs, indices or modules of these taxpayers, as well as the application instructions.

During the presentation of the General State Budgets (PGE) of 2022, the Minister of Finance, Maria Jesus Montero, already announced that they were going to extend during 2022 the limits of the regime of modules for the self-employed to help one of the groups most affected by the crisis. As established by the order, it also maintains reduction of 5% on the net yield of modules derived from the agreements reached in the Autonomous Work Table.

As regards VAT, the order also maintains, for 2022, the modules, as well as the instructions for their application, applicable in the special simplified regime in the immediately preceding year.

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Likewise, the reduction on the net income calculated by the objective estimation method of personal income tax and on the quota accrued by current operations of the special simplified regime of the IA for economic activities developed in the municipality of Lorca is maintained for this period.

Finally, the Treasury order reminds that the self-employed or SMEs who want to cancel the tax system by modules or revoke their resignation for the year 2022 have a deadline to communicate it until December 31 of this year.

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