The Senegalese who helped Samuel when he was beaten will be adopted children of A Coruña

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The Plenary of the A Coruña City Council has unanimously approved this Thursday a motion of the BNG to grant the title of adopted children of the city to Ibrahima and Magatte, the two Senegalese who tried to help Samuel Luiz when he was attacked in the early morning of July 3.

The BNG spokesman, Francisco Jorquera, has stressed that “the violence, cruelty and homophobia” that, in his opinion, concurred in the crime of Samuel Luiz created a great commotion and do not represent the city.

“What does represent us is the behavior of Ibrahima and Magatte, since they helped Samuel to the end, trying to stop the aggression“, has emphasized Jorquera.

In this sense, he has praised that “they did it”, that they were “the ones who had the most to lose”, given that their situation in Spain was not regularized.

Ibrahima Diack and Magatte Ndyae received on July 27 the residence and work permit granted by the Government for their act.

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