The report of the Saguenay economic liaison committee made public on June 15

The provisional committee is made up of André Martin, a former Promotion Saguenay executive, and Frédéric Labrecque, a businessman who was chief of staff to the mayoress of Saguenay, Julie Dufour, at the start of her mandate.

The committee, a pilot project created in mid-February, had a three-month mandate, with a salary of $1,000 a week for its two members. The objective was to facilitate and promote entrepreneurship in Saguenay. A first report from the committee was expected in May.

The mayoress of Saguenay, Julie Dufour, defended herself from having duplicated the services of Promotion Saguenay, during the meeting of the municipal council which took place at the Théâtre du Palais municipal, in La Baie, Tuesday noon.

There were a few pitfalls, it will be tabled with the executive committee, elected officials and the population on June 15th. They worked in partnership with Promotion Saguenay and with City services, so there will be no duplication and we will see their recommendations. she said.

The rise in the salary of elected officials limited

The elected officials of Saguenay indicated Tuesday noon that they were limiting their salary increase planned for 2023 and 2024.

According to the City’s press release, the initial increase planned for these two years was to represent the increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

Their increase should rather be inspired by the collective agreement for white-collar workers and executives, it has been argued, i.e. at least 2% and at most 2.5%.

The last revision of the salary of elected officials dates from 2018 and according to Mayor Julie Dufour, no one could anticipate such an increase in the cost of living.

When this regulation opened in 2018, I don’t think any elected official around the table could have anticipated that the CPI [indice des prix à la consommation] could have even gone up to 6.7%. We are on notice of motion to adjust. So it’s a maximum of 2.5% with the CPI. »

A quote from Julie Dufour, Mayor of Saguenay

The elected officials had voted in 2018 in favor of an increase in their salary due to the electoral redistricting and the increase in the workload. This salary increase was also intended to compensate for the announced imposition of their expense allowance by Quebec and Ottawa, which was originally non-taxable.

In May 2020, elected officials then adopted a salary reduction of $5,000 annually, retroactive to 1er January 2020, after Quebec did not go ahead with its intention to impose the expense allowance.

New Saguenéens logo: Saguenay regrets not having been consulted

In another file, the mayor of Saguenay, Julie Dufour, said that she would have liked the City, which owns the Saguenéens de Chicoutimi, to be consulted on the development of the new team logo which was unveiled on Monday. .

During the municipal council meeting, Councilor Serge Gaudreault challenged the mayor on the fact that the name of Chicoutimi disappears from the logo, while she wishes to promote the identity of the former municipalities that today form Saguenay.

Jerseys with the team logo in a shop.

The Saguenéens unveiled the new team logo on Monday.

Photo: Radio-Canada / Andréanne Larouche

We were not notified, it is sure that as owner we could have been notified a little, she said. I saw it quickly on social media yesterday. I would have actually preferred that they consult at least the Sports Commission or the administrators who are around the table who represent the City.

That said, I’m not angry or sorry, but I think it would have been better to do it all together, especially for the 50th. she added.

On the other hand, the name of Chicoutimi and the team will indeed be in the center of the ice of the Georges-Vézina center, but with a new typography, assured the director of operations of the Saguenay, Serge Proulx.

With information from Béatrice Rooney and Julianne Gagnon

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