The PSOE seeks in Andalusia the center votes of Cs and Moreno insists on doing ‘an Ayuso’

After the first electoral debate in Andalusia, which brought together 1.2 million viewers with a 9.3% audience share, the campaign enters a new phase with the candidates again immersed in touring the community in its entirety. Except for the candidate voxMacarena Olona, ​​who will not have a public agenda until Friday.

The socialist Juan Espadas traveled to Linares, in Jaén, a place punished by political indolence, where the unemployment rate reaches a record 30.9%, unable to rise from its ashes after the withdrawal of Santana Motor and a rain of public millions that have not served to revive the industry in the town. There he governs Cs in a coalition threatened by a motion of censure stopped in court of Justice. For 19 years the City Council was in the hands of the PSOE and its former mayor, Juan Fernández, ended up expelled from the party in 2018 and has been convicted months ago for a crime of embezzlement of public funds.

Swords traveled to the epicenter of discontent with politics in Andalusia to ensure that all the promises made by the president of the Junta, Juan Manuel Moreno, in this town had not been fulfilled. The socialist planted himself in the city that in 2017 brought together more than 35,000 people on the street to say enough is enough and that he received Moreno on his first visit as president between boos.

The former head of the Board, Susana Díaz, always avoided stepping on the city. Jaén was a bastion of the Andalusian PSOE, the most important after Seville, but the weakness of the party raises fears of a flight of votes and tightens the candidate’s agenda in the province. Swords started the electoral campaign there. The appearance of Jaen Deserves More, a platform linked to the Empty Spain, opens many unknowns for the next Andalusians. The CIS survey gave him a deputy the next 19-J.

Espadas was convinced that after the electoral debate the left-wing vote is awakening and he launched himself for the moderate center voter of csthat all the surveys indicate that will almost completely absorb the PP. The socialist candidate defended that hard profiles such as Isabel Díaz Ayuso are allies in his campaign to dismantle Moreno’s moderation in Andalusia. “Ayuso is sometimes the best representative of Vox in the PP & rdquor ;, she assured.

The PP sees Vox “deflated”

Moreno traveled to Córdoba on this fifth day of the campaign and there he insisted that all speculation about possible post-electoral alliances to form a government are “fireworks & rdquor ;, once again avoiding responding to Vox’s demand to enter the Board and to the warning from the left that it will make them coalition partners. In the PP they maintain that the campaign of the candidate Macarena Olona is failing and their polls show downward results, with 17 deputies, and in decline during the campaign, which leads them to breathe a certain sigh of relief.

Moreno’s thesis is always the same: he aspires to make ‘an Ayuso’, that is, to get a sufficient majority that adds up to more than all the lefts and that forces Vox to give him his investiture without entering the regional Executive. The President of the Board visited the archaeological complex of Medina Azahara, focusing on culture, and in the afternoon he knocked on the door of residents of the Cordovan capital who had seen the promise of installing elevators in their building fulfilled.

The leader of Cs, Juan Marín, was convinced after the debate that his formation is “closer” to reissue the pact with the PP in the Board and argued that the other alternative is “the mess and the anger.” The Vox candidate in Andalusia, Macarena Olona, ​​will not have rallies or public agenda again until next Friday, when the leader of Vox Santiago Abascal returns to the community. Her campaign team confirms that the agenda is running as planned and downplays the importance of that four-day break in the public acts of the Granada deputy.

The Vox candidate will limit the bulk of this second week of the campaign to “private agenda” with encounters and meetings that will not have a public dimension. Yes, he will do several interviews, like the rest of the applicants in the Andalusian ones. Specifically, she is planning an interview with Carlos Herrera on Cope and with Jesús Vigorra on Canal Sur.

Olona’s campaign is being disconcerting, even for many of those who are active in Vox in Andalusia. His team, led by the journalist Álvaro Zancajo, insists that there is no change nor are the plans altered after the debate this Monday on Canal Sur, where the leader of Vox signed up for a harsh and aggressive speech against her opponents, in especially against the president of the Board, who did not get out of his strategy of ignoring her at all times. There will be another debate next Monday, this time on Canal Sur and again with six bands.

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