The PLQ abandoned by its base

The leader of the Parti Québécois owes a proud candle to his rival Dominique Anglade. The Liberal disaster in Marie-Victorin on Monday puts the heartbreaking defeat of the PQ into perspective.

Faced with the steamroller of the CAQ, it seems that the mere fact of resisting is a feat.

While the PQ can maintain the dream of better days, at the PLQ, the awakening is brutal. At 6.93%, it is his electoral base that abandons him.

“I never said it would be easy to make such a turn,” conceded the chef on Tuesday.

I would go further. By imposing too many turns on the PLQ, Dominique Anglade makes it lose its bearings.

Big gaps

The nationalist turn was to allow the PLQ to reconnect with the French-speaking electorate.

A major project crowned by 27 proposals to save French. The bet was to allow the party to free itself from the image of “Anglo party”.

But what happened? The flagship measure proposed to pass the pill of free choice in college, the obligation for all students in an English-speaking CEGEP to take three courses in French was defended, then abandoned.

Not only did the PLQ fail to convince Francophones, it alienated its own Anglophone base.

And the economy? There was the big shift in favor of responsible capitalism in May 2021. And since then, radio silence.

A progressive turn, therefore, which is not enough to convince the traditional electorate of the left, and which disengages the traditional liberal bourgeoisie.

“This shift in relation to the economy, we must make it better heard,” promises the Liberal leader.

End the pandemic

When Dominique Anglade concedes “the message that we convey must be clearer”, she is right.

Access to property, the housing crisis, inflation, the climate crisis are the major issues of the day. When did you hear the PLQ lead the charge in these files? Worse, he missed the opportunities to appropriate them.

The IPCC report on the climate crisis would have been the perfect time to bring forward the PLQ’s ECO plan. The tabling of the budget was a golden opportunity to put forward the Liberal solutions to the cost of living crisis.

But no, the PLQ seems rather obsessed with the idea of ​​making the Legault government pay for the failures of the pandemic.

However, if it is trumpeted to all winds that Quebecers are done with the pandemic, the time may have come for the political class to hear the signal.

The victory of the CAQ, the day after a confrontation without thank you on the CHSLD Herron, confirms it.

But, this signal, the PLQ did not hear it.

What battle horse did he choose on Tuesday during question period? You guessed it, the CHSLD Herron!

Yes, the PLQ is attacking. But what reasons does he give voters to vote for him? He has little time left to find an answer.

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