The paradoxes of the CAQ

A few days ago, Minister François Bonnardel trivialized urban densification by reducing it to a passing fad. Above all, he wanted to justify the CAQ project of a third link for the Quebec region.

This week, we are entitled to the Minister of Municipal Affairs, Andrée Laforest, who proposes to limit urban sprawl while remaining sparing of details on how to do it.

Would a third link still be necessary with the regional planning policy proposed by the minister and her government?

To add to the juggling, the new candidate Caroline St-Hilaire indicated on the same day that her reluctance on a third link for Quebec had been reduced after reflection.

Is the environment important or not?

soft ideas

The CAQ seems to have become a tool for softening ideas if we rely on the recent candidates who will wear its colors.

We had a first glimpse of it with the former vice-president of the FIQ, Shirley Dorismond, elected in Marie-Victorin during a by-election. After being very critical of Legault’s governance, she suddenly discovered only qualities.

Sovereignist Bernard Drainville turned into a defensive nationalist to join the CAQ. Poor Bernard, he won’t score many goals if he doesn’t attack in the opposing zone!

As for the former mayoress of Longueuil, her withdrawal to the third link reflects more personal interest than a desire to serve.

Even the Prime Minister has managed to create confusion about the real ambitions of his party and he is working to reassure all sides.

make the links

The paradoxes of the CAQ seem to escape the understanding of the population, while the party is in continual contradiction.

It is hardly surprising that François Legault does not want a debate on the environment, that would deprive him of saying the thing and its opposite!

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