The papers of the Attorney General

  • How the State Attorney General’s Office inflated a case to remove the prosecutor from the ‘Tándem-Villarejo’ case

The State Attorney General, Dolores Delgado, according to the documents that EL PERIÓDICO offers to its readers, she was the authentic promoter, behind the scenes, of investigative proceedings that both the lieutenant prosecutor of the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid (TSJM), Carlos Ruiz de Alegria, as your boss, Jesus Knight Klink, they proposed, after investigating documents and taking statements from witnesses, to file categorically.

These proceedings were initiated, with great media coverage, as a result of an anonymous complaint about leaks of the summary against prosecutors Ignacio Press and Miguel Serrano, in charge of the ‘Tándem-Villarejo case’ since 2017. But the State Attorney General (FGE) limited those proceedings from the beginning, later seconded by a complaint from the far-right Vox party against both prosecutors, only to Stampa. Without giving explanations.

The complete file of the TSJM was delivered to Stampa, after requesting it to defend itself – it is a party to the procedure -, in November 2020 by the then superior prosecutor Caballero Klink. In that file, precisely, are the instructions, under the guise of suggestions, that the right hand of Dolores Delgado, the chief prosecutor of the Technical Secretariat, Alvaro Garcia, he went to the TSJM prosecutors every time they proposed filing the proceedings. The Technical Secretariat assists the FGE, but does not have, by regulation, any authority over other institutions, in this case the TSJM Prosecutor’s Office.

On October 5, 2020, the superior prosecutor Caballero Klink transferred to García sent the draft decree to file the proceedings of the investigator, the lieutenant prosecutor of the TSJM, Carlos Ruiz de Alegria, in which he stated: “There is no trace of evidence or even suspicions to support the claim of the complainant party & mldr; no leakage or revelation is credited [en la causa Tándem-Villarejo]”.

The chief prosecutor García answered on October 8, 2020 “it is considered the relevance of taking a statement as a witness to Mr. José Manuel Calvente, who is closely related to the & mldr; & rdquor; procedure. And he adds that “it is also considered that the statement as a witness of the fellow prosecutor who intervenes together with the defendant, Mr. Stampa, in the proceedings, can be very enlightening. [Tándem-Villarejo] of the cause of the complaint. Mr. Miguel Serrano & rdquor ;.

In reality, the “denounced & rdquor; it was both prosecutors. But the errands were only made for Stampa. Now who was denounced, instead, is proposed as a witness. The desire to control the proceedings is transparent. “I beg Your Excellency to maintain this channel of communication by sending the new relevant procedural milestones adopted in relation to the same & rdquor ;.

On October 23, after carrying out the suggested procedures, he sends a new decree of resounding archive of the procedures followed by a complaint from Vox. The 12-page document also refers to a new complaint that seconded the previous ones by Maria Montero, journalist, on which he says that “it is not appropriate to practice any & mldr; & rdquor; diligence.

According to what can be called the black box of communications from the Attorney General’s Office, this letter is sent by the TSJM at 12:25 p.m. and was read at the Technical Secretariat at 12:33 p.m.

The date is key. The Fiscal Council, advisory body of the FGE, to which Delgado will take the proposal to award 8 fixed places in the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office. Stampa aspires to one of them after instructing 30 pieces of the ‘Tándem-Villarejo case’ in five years.

In a search in the Estremera jail on October 23, Stampa, after asking Villarejo in his cell if the attorney general has not yet stopped him, finds evidence of links between one of his complainants, Montero, and Villarejo. The Prosecutor’s Office asks Judge García-Castellón for his accusation. Unsuccessfully.

Chief Prosecutor García will answer the second filing proposal but will take his time. Meanwhile, the October 27th Delgado carries out in the Fiscal Council his proposal not to give the place to Stampa. They support him because there is “media pressure & rdquor ;, according to the spokesperson for the Association of Prosecutors.

García answered on November 4, thirteen days after receiving the second decree to file October 23: “Before adopting any resolution, we would like to receive all the investigation procedures & rdquor ;. Knight Klink ships them the next day, November 5.

Almost a month later -the proceedings were still not filed-, García admits that the decree of October 23 “refers in detail to the proceedings & rdquor; but “given the importance of the matter, the seriousness of the events denounced and the need to exhaust the proceedings, allow me to make the following suggestions & rdquor ;.

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García proposes to ask the National Court for the internal chat of the United We Can legal services, as well as “a [nuevo] broader and more enlightening questioning & rdquor; to José Manuel Calvente and take a statement from the journalist Patricia lopez; re-question United We Can lawyers, Marta Flor Nunez and Alejandro Gamez and request an alleged email from the attorney Flor Nuñez to the prosecutor Alexander Luzon. He insists that “this channel of communication be maintained, sending the new relevant procedural milestones that are adopted”.

The instructor, Ruiz de Alegria, rejects the new suggested proceedings and who assumes them is his superior, Knight Kilnk, who assumes the task. Upon learning that Stampa has access to the black box, the FGE orders on January 15, 2021, the breakdown of the communications with the TSJM -remove them from the file- and considers that it is secret material. On February 16, Caballero Klink dictates the third file, this time definitive & mldr; without carrying out any new procedures to those already carried out until October 23, 2020.

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