The OTAN and EEUU vuelven to offer dialogue in Russia to prepare “for the sake of peor”

  • La Atlantic Alliance and Washington insist on su abiertas politics and rewrote in writing the claims of Moscow to impede the adhesion of Ukraine and Georgia

  • The general secretary Jens Stoltenberg says that there is a “critical” moment and advises on the possibility of repelling the rapid reaction force in “dias question”

El Gobierno de Vladimir Putin ya tiene la written writings of the OTAN and of the United States to require the incorporation of Ukraine and Georgia into the Transatlantic Military Organization and the withdrawal of allied troops from the countries of Europe which were incorporated in 1997. As Secretary General of the Atlantic Alliance, Jens Stoltenberg, as the secretary of state stadium, Antony Blinken, he made it clear to Moscow that the ports of the transatlantic organization would be called “abiertas & rdquor; y que no habrá “concessions & rdquor; about a fundamental principle that is “the sovereign right of every country to choose his cam & rdquor ;.

Put this door on one of the main requirements of Moscow to reduce the adhesion of Soviet orbit orbits like Ukraine and Georgia, both Blinken of Washington as Stoltenberg of Brussels he wanted to offer dialogue and a “live diplomacy & rdquor; series to look for solutions at the moment “critical & rdquor; for Euro-Atlantic security as it encounters, marked by the concentration of more than 100,000 troops on the frontier with Ukraine and new deployments, in the form of Russian military operations, in Belarus.

“We are seeing more tropes only in Ukraine and its surroundings, both in Belarus and elsewhere in Russia, where there are miles of tropes, airplanes, S-400 air defense systems and many other very advanced capabilities,” he said. takes Norwegian politics, for which this move of Moscow is an obvious element of the fact that not only has it increased its tension.

Here’s the new ad for Putin. “Although we worked for a good solution and the desalcation also prepared us for the peor & rdquor ;, recorded as example the envoy of more boats and planes this flank, announced the passing moon, and the ability to despair” &; días the rapid reaction force of 5,000 soldiers who are leading in these moments France to protect the allies. “To reflect on the need for a decision by the Atlantic Council & rdquor; pero “tenemos planes que pueden activarse en un plazu muy brewe de tiempo & rdquor ;, ha avisado.

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Following this opinion, the leader of the Atlantic Alliance insisted on creating “firmly & rdquor; que las “tensions y los desacuerdos & rdquor; deben resolvers to the traverses of dialogue and diplomacy, not of amenation or force, and that there exists “margin of maneuver & rdquor; to increase cooperation in mutual interest issues such as the armament control, including nuclear and short-range nuclear weapons, the risk reduction to prevent military incidents in the sea or air o la transparency regarding military ownership. Questions, he said, that will also serve to increase security on the continent.

The response, which was not publicly available, also includes the offer to resubmit the respective offices of the OTAN in Moscow and Russia in the seat of the Atlantic Alliance, because it maintains “complicates the dialogue & rdquor ;, as well as retomar las meetings of the OTAN-Russia Council to address in detail all these issues with the aim of avoiding “a new armed conflict in Europe that will be extremely serious. It’s something we have to avoid & rdquor ;, insisted Stoltenberg that consider that there exists a huge alto.

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