The new history of Mexico

Twenty chapters have Mexico, greatness and diversity, one of the two great works published by the Fourth Transformation to commemorate the Bicentennial of the consummation of Independence. The last one is called “A new hope” and is signed by Armando Bartra.

The new history of Mexico begins on the night of July 1, 2018. Mexico, the author describes, is a party that extends throughout Latin America. “The Zócalo is an Aleph”, he summarizes, “a condensation of frustrated attempts, hopes postponed, assaults on heaven stopped halfway. Corporate ecstasy, epiphany, trance…”.

The philosopher of Catalan origin and professor at UNAM weaves a story about the purification of the partisan system in contemporary Mexico that led to the rise of Andrés Manuel López Obrador to the Presidency of the Republic, three years ago.

“Since December 2018, a man with a mandate has been president of Mexico; an unheard-of, colossal mandate. And personalized because the task of transforming the country is an assignment that people make not to the government in general, nor to the federal Executive power, but specifically to the President of the Republic, directly to López Obrador. Nobody in a century had governed Mexico with an assignment of that size.

July 1, 2018 —he synthesized— is not the end, but the beginning: the beginning of the Fourth Transformation. The starting signal of an unprecedented stage in our history.

This narrative was encapsulated in a collection of books that yesterday, January 13, —just on Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller’s 53rd birthday— was publicly presented. The director of educational materials of the SEP, Max Arriaga, reappeared after his peculiar call to rewrite free textbooks last year. And again, he aroused controversy with his catastrophic view of the previous government policy to promote reading.

“The spirit of everything that surrounded her was a business that benefited some civil association, some magazine, some group of intellectuals,” he characterized, “three years ago we found a country where critical reading was a skill that could only be fostered in small circles of privileged Mexicans, leaving the great Mexican people behind in functional illiteracy.”

Goodbye to the times of waste in the name of education and culture, of “alms sold to the State like gold nuggets”. With the Centennial Library —named to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the creation of the SEP— 172 publishing novelties will reach public schools throughout the country. And also to an army of “hundreds, no, thousands of reading mediators” attached to the SEP and the Ministry of Culture, who will tour the country to bring the new History of Mexico.

The National Reading Strategy of the Fourth Transformation —according to Arriaga— is comparable to the formative efforts of the great Mexican teachers. “This social triumph was dreamed by the young Vasconcelos, the young Torres Bodet dreamed it, our president and his wife, Dr. Gutiérrez Müller, dreamed it… and finally, after fighting and overcoming 1,000 obstacles, we achieved it.”

Rafael Bajaras, current head of the Morena Political Training Institute and monero of La Jornada, is the illustrator of the cover of Historia del pueblo mexicana, a 302-page compendium on the three transformations experienced by the Mexican nation that opens with a text signed by the federal executive.

“Despite the dominance of conservative elites, the Mexican people have managed to resist humiliation, exploitation and bad governments. Little by little, they have been gaining recognition of their dignity”, he emphasizes, “Independence, Reform and the Revolution are stories woven with the lives of men and women who faced political and economic power defending ideals of freedom, justice, equality and fraternity. This book seeks to tell the struggles and sufferings of all of them: indigenous people, women, Afro-descendants, workers and students who have often been omitted from official narratives. However, the role of the people of Mexico was always fundamental in the first three transformations. And, without a doubt, it is now the key in the fourth transformation”.

Side effects

SLIPPERY. Without turbulence, the relief took place in the general direction of the Mexico City International Airport, which Jesús Rosano García left to former Undersecretary Carlos Morán Moguel. The saturation of the areas controlled by the National Migration Institute, first and now the crisis due to the increase in infections that afflicts passengers and airline personnel, are matters of urgent resolution. And also, to preserve the sanitation and cleanliness of the terminals, contracted with the firms Aseo Privado Institucional, Iroa Real Estate Services, Tecno Cleaning Delta and Joad Cleaning and Services, some of which face accusations for not complying with their worker-employer obligations, by leave their employees without social security. Under the magnifying glass, it must be maintained that all of them are related in the sector to José Juan Reyes Domínguez, who would maintain the crown as the winner of numerous contracts, through various social reasons with which he only gives the appearance of competing.

Alberto Aguirre


Vital signs

Journalist and columnist for El Economista, author of Doña Perpetua: Elba Esther Gordillo’s power and opulence. Elba Esther Gordillo against the SEP.

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