The judge charges Luis Medina with a crime of raising assets

The Court of Instruction Number 47 of Madrid has extended the imputation to the businessman Luis Medina to the crime of concealment of assets and has imposed a civil bond to pay within three days, according to a car to which ‘El Mundo’ has had access . Until now he was accused of aggravated fraud, false documents and money laundering.

Judge Adolfo Carretero makes this decision upon verifying that Medina had begun to withdraw money since April 13, 2021, the date on which he was summoned to testify before the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office. The instructor had already communicated in a car that he had only been able to seize a yacht registered in Gibraltar, with a value of 325,515 euros, and a current account with 247 euros to cover civil liability for the alleged crimes investigated, which is valued at 1,216,984 euros.

As announced by the prosecutor Luis Rodríguez Sol, Medina was exposed to being charged with concealment of assets by emptying his accounts and making the loot of the ‘pitch’ disappear for which he charged a million dollars in commissions for brokering material contracts for fight against covid-19 with the Madrid City Council. There is also no trace of the two bonds, for a total amount of 400,000 euros, that he would have acquired with the bite obtained in the operation.

destination of the money

This is the reason why Judge Carretero has once again demanded that Deutsche Bank inform him, in as much detail as possible, of Medina’s securities sales operations, and in particular, the bank accounts in which they would have been deposited. the amounts that would have been obtained, as well as the identity of its beneficiaries.

In this sense, it also asks the Tax Agency to inform it about the destination of the funds withdrawn in the aforementioned operations, including the possible participants and their ultimate beneficiaries. Likewise, the instructor instructs the Judicial Neutral Point to investigate the movable and immovable property that Medina has in Spain and abroad.

Ultimately, Carretero asks the Court of First Instance number 12 of Seville to inform him of the situation in which the inheritance of a relative of Medina is found, with the purpose of preventive seizure of hereditary rights.

Luceno’s cars

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This commission agent obtained 1,000,000 dollars (916,000 euros) from Malaysia and transferred them to a personal account, which has already been emptied as verified by the case instructor. With this money, according to the complaint, he acquired an Eagle 44 model yacht, called “Feria & rdquor ;, which he registered in the name of a Gibraltarian company whose ownership he shares with his brother; in addition to bank bonds.

Medina’s case seems mimetic to that of his partner in the mask hit, Alberto Luceño, who sold a Range Rover Sport license plate 5104-LHB and a KTM X BOWacquired in July 2020 by €102,000 and €91,800, respectively, last April 5. Four days earlier, on April 1, the Chief Anticorruption Prosecutor Alejandro Luzón had presented in the courts of Madrid the complaint for an alleged hit of almost six million euros with sanitary material to deal with covid of the Madrid City Council.

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